2020-04-18 19:59:18
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
2. 参考文献
[1] I. Odler, H. Zhang, Investigations on high SO3 portland clinkers and cements I. Clinker synthesis and cement preparation, Cement and Concrete Research 26(9) (1996) 1307-1313. [2] X. Liu, Y. Li, N. Zhang, Influence of MgO on the formation of Ca3SiO5 and 3CaO#183;3Al2O3#183;CaSO4 minerals in alite#8211;sulphoaluminate cement, Cement and Concrete Research 32(7) (2002) 1125-1129. [3] X. Li, X. Shen, J. Xu, X. Li, S. Ma, Hydration properties of the alite#8211;ye#8217;elimite cement clinker synthesized by reformation, Constr Build Mater 99 (2015) 254-259. [4] S. Ma, R. Snellings, X. Li, X. Shen, K.L. Scrivener, Alite-ye'elimite cement: Synthesis and mineralogical analysis, Cement and Concrete Research 45 (2013) 15-20. [5] N. Chitvoranund, F. Winnefeld, C.W. Hargis, S. Sinthupinyo, B. Lothenbach, Synthesis and hydration of alite-calcium sulfoaluminate cement, Advances in Cement Research 29(3) (2017) 101-111. [6] Y. Hu, W. Li, S. Ma, Q. Wang, H. Zou, X. Shen, The composition and performance of alite-ye'elimite clinker produced at 1300#8239;#176;C, Cement and Concrete Research 107 (2018) 41-48. [7] F. Puertas, M.T.B. Varela, S.G. Molina, Kinetics of the thermal decomposition of C4A3S#772; in air, Cement and Concrete Research 25(3) (1995) 572-580.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2、实施阶段:2019年6月3日之前,进行课题的实验、设计及结果处理与分析,完成毕业设计说明书及论文写作,并进行审阅和修改完善;中期检查; 3、答辩及成绩录入:2019年6月14日之前,完成答辩资格审查、答辩。
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