论文题目:影视字幕翻译的归化与异化研究—以《老友记》为例A Study on Domestication and Foreignization in Movie Subtitle Translation—Taking Friends as an example开题报告
2020-04-17 20:29:46
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)
2. literature review movie subtitle translation is an emerging field in translation community. with the dramatic influence of globalization and the booming development of film, movie subtitle translation is playing an increasingly important role in translation study. this chapter gives a detailed explanation of the theoretical framework on which this study will be put forward. it consists of basic features of movie subtitle translation. besides it introduces strategies of translation and application of domestication and foreignization. 2.1 basic features of movie subtitle translation movie is a comprehensive art, which can show audience the plot of story vividly by the use of image and sound and bring them the enjoy of beauty. movie subtitle translation is a process to translate source language to target language which is shown on the screen at the same time so that audience could get the maximum amount of information and the original culture as soon as possible. although movie subtitle translation is an important form of literature translation, it is quite different from ordinary literature translation. the images in a film is mobile and often flash by. so audience cannot read it over and over again just like reading written information. therefore transience is the characteristic of movie subtitle. when translating subtitles, translators often encounter definite social and cultural background, which require them learning the thinking way, value, connotation of two different cultures. nida, a great translator, holds the belief that translation is a communication between two cultures and knowing cultural background is more important than mastering translation skills. the film carries a specific culture, customs, religious beliefs, etc, which also caused lots of trouble. in addition, movie subtitle translation is a comprehensive activity. because of various effects,like images, music and lines, translation must be clear, concise, and straightforward but also able to convey meaning correctly. 2.2 review of domestication and foreignization translation is not only the transformation of language, but also the transmission of cultural information. the transformation of language is only the surface of the translation but the transmission of cultural information is the essence of translation. nowadays people realize that cultural factors have a great impact on translation so they conduct studies on cultural translation. gradually the strategies of domestication and foreignization aroused wide attention in the field of translation. domestication and foreignization are two common methods in the contemporary field of translation and also in the cultural translation. domestication and foreignization can be regarded as the deepening of literal translation and free translation. domestication and foreignization opposite and complement each other. the former believes that translation should aim at target readers and the source culture should be brought into the range of the knowledge of target readers as far as possible. that is to say, translators should lead the author to readers. however, the latter maintains that the translation should be attributed to the author of the source language or the original text. additionally, specific place that occurred in translation should be retained and readers should be led to the author. though seemingly opposite, domestication and foreignization do not oppose each other. both lead to the same goal, which is to make readers better understand the connotation of the source language. there is neither absolute foreignization nor absolute domestication. in order to faithfully reflect the style and cultural characteristics of the original text, it is inevitable to adopt the foreignization strategy. but at the same time, it is necessary to take into account readers' habits of expression and ways of thinking, especially when it involves special cultural factors. at present, chinese subtitle translation is dominated by domestication and supplemented by foreignization. however, only by combining domestication and foreignization can the author and the audience achieve a "win-win" situation. 2.3 advocacy of domestication and foreignization 2.3.1 nida and domestication eugene a. nida (november 11, 1914 #8211; august 25, 2011), who is a distinguished american linguist as well as a pioneer in the fields of translation theories and has exerted a great influence on translation theory development both in abroad and in china. nida can be regarded as the representative of domestication and he proposed the concept of the closet natural equivalence. besides, he advocates that translators should put readers in the first place and the expression of translation should be natural and fluent. at the same time, he puts forward that the aim of translation is to communicate. it is unrealistic and dangerous to impose a kind of culture upon another culture. if the content and form of the translation are within the comprehension of readers, readers can better understand the translation. more importantly, translators should not ask too much of the reader's intelligence, imagination, and understanding. 2.3.2 venuti and foreignization lawrence venuti is a famous representative of foreignization school. he proposed the concept of "anti-translation", that is, in the process of translation, the translator makes no compromise to readers, opposites the domination of the target language ,deliberately lays emphasis on the differences between the original text style and other aspects in the translation, and proposes a translation strategy which is against the smoothness of the translation. people who support the strategy of foreignization hold that translation is not only the conversion of language signs, but also a kind of cultural communication. the introduction of source language culture into the target language culture can not only enrich and improve the the target language#8217;s power of expression, but also provide a bridge to understand the source language culture. it is also an expression of "loyalty to the original author", which accurately conveys the phenomenon of the source language world. 2.4 development of domestication and foreignation the debates over domestication and foreignization have been existing for a long time. in recent years, domestication and foreignization are still fiercely and widely discussed in china. in 1987, liu yingkai (刘英凯) published an article in modern foreign language. since then, the discussion on domestication and foreignization in china has become increasingly fierce and many foreign language journals have published relevant research papers, which study the two translation strategies of domestication and foreignization from different perspectives. guo jianzhong (郭建中) published an article in 1998,in which he pointed out that no matter how they develop, domestication and foreignization will co-exist at the same time and without anyone, translation will never exist. in 2003, xiong bing (熊兵) put forward that the essence of translation is a kind of cultural communication activity. the translator needs to reproduce the language information of the original text in the translation, and should convey the cultural information of the original text as much as possible, and try to deal with the original text in the way of foreignization without affecting readers to understand the original text. in 2010, zhu anbo(朱安博)points out that in terms of domestication and foreignization, translators should take account of characteristics of local culture and learn the research results of other disciplines so as to make translation research move from a closed and narrow circle to a wide road combined with modern disciplines. in subtitle translation, translators inevitably encounter differences in language and culture. domestication and foreignization are common translation strategies. based on the theory of domestication and foreignization, this paper takes the chinese subtitle translation of friends as an example to analyze the comprehensive use of the two strategies in language processing in the subtitle translation of films and tv program. american tv series friends is a realistic work that is rich in content, full of wit and humor and has a long history. the dialogue of the characters in the show is light and humorous, which contains endless cultural connotations and typical cases. 2.5 application of domestication and foreignization 2.5.1 application of domestication in english subtitle translation (1) literal translation and free translation: to translate the source language directly or indirectly from the meaning of the target language. example 1. friends (the title of a drama) 译文:《老友记》或《六人行》 proper title is the primary requirement to enhance the charm of film and television works and quickly gather popularity. for the title friends has only one word which is also one-syllable word, the translation will easily become simple with little attention. the existing translations old friends and six people embody the characteristics of literal translation and free translation respectively. "ji" highlights the sense of story and lays stress on the narrative and realistic description of the work.”xing emphasizes the communicative, interactive and spatial-temporal experience of the plot, which echoes the theme and content of the series. it is associated with lines such as "bosom friend, old friend and friendship", implying simple, kind and profound. (2)replacement: to replace the source language with similar language value method. example 2. it#8217;s all political. 译文: 全是潜规则 political means to achieve the goal through stratagem or political ways, which is just in line with the chinese audience's psychological cognition of the so-called "hidden rules" in the entertainment industry. (3)compensation: a means of compensating the semantics of the source text in the form of the target language. example 3. i gave you one job! 译文:我只给你一件事干你就搞砸了。
rachel drops her fiance's ring in a lasagna monica prepared for her parents. monica asks rachel, "no... ?" the unspoken subtext is "you ruined my delicious! (4)loan-translation:to use other means to complement the untranslatable elements caused by language and cultural differences. example 4. you are a huge crap weasel! 译文:你就是个二货! rachel falls in love with handsome italian guy paul at first sight, which makes ross jealous. knowing that paul is english-blind, ross uses the classic word crap weasel to make fun of the other party. "assholes" vividly expresses the anger and helplessness of jealous ross, who is afraid to offend rachel, towards paul. 2.5.2 application of foreignization in english subtitle translation (1)transferred translation: a method of transferring words from a source language to a target language. example 5. he was trying to spell out monkey. 译文:他是想拼出monkey(猴子)来。
ross rushes to the hospital after accidentally seeing his pet monkey swallow a piece of scrabble paper. the doctor found out that other than k, the pet monkey swallowed o and m, and it was a part of the word monkey, which seemed to suggest that the pet monkey had a high iq, and the translation kept the original.therefore, the translation retains the artistic conception of the original text. (2)code-switching: a method of embedding the source language into the target language when there is no substitution for the source language in the target language. example 6. but i left in the ys. cause y#8217; know, sometimes y. 译文:不过我留下了y,因为有时要问问为什么(y和”为什么”发音相同)。
2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案
1 Research Questions The present paper makes research on domestication and foreignzation in movie subtitle translation, taking Friends as an example. The specific research questions are as follows: 1. What strategies are used in the movie subtitle translation in order to achieve domestication? 2. What strategies are used in the movie subtitle translation in order to achieve foreignization? 2 Research Methods This paper will study the translation of movie subtitle through observing and enumerating the examples in Friends and compare their differences between strategies of domestication and foreignzation. 3 Data Collected The examples of movie subtitle translation will be selected from the foreign film, Friends.
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