2020-04-13 17:06:41
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
the purpose of mysubject i have to study is to use the csma/ca (carrier-sense multiple accesswith collision avoidance) protocol to detect collisions in wireless networksand to look for mechanisms to justify them and prevent them from happeningagain. it is a protocol that helps to avoid collisions of frames in a wirelessnetwork mainly and in turn establish communication paths between nodes.
propose an improvedmethod to solve the problem of collisions caused by nodes, in order to improvethe performance of the system in general and propose an effective protocol toavoid collisions.
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
Detailed knowledge of the CSMA/CA protocol. To program a function thatimplements the CSMA / CA protocol, it has a series of help functions thatfacilitate the interface with the elements of the system. The protocol to beimplemented will be the access mechanism to the medium described in the IEEE802.11 standard.
For this purpose, a C function must be written that is used by the stationsof the network every time they enter into activity, either to broadcast or toreceive information from the network. For the programming of this function, thebehavior model described in the automaton.
3. 研究计划与安排
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
[1] pingan li,quan liu,《widebandmobile communications principles and applications》,gigher education oress,2016.
[2] a. goldsmith,《wirelesscommunications》,posts amp; telecommunications pres, 2007.
[3] miquel oliver, anaescudero,”study of different csma/ca ieee 802.11-based implementations,”eunice 1999 contribution.