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毕业论文网 > 开题报告 > 文学教育类 > 英语 > 正文

跨文化视角下开平碉楼与村落景点介绍英译的研究 A Study on C-E Translation of Scenic Spots Introduction to Kaiping Diaolou and Villages from the Cross-cultural Perspective开题报告

 2020-04-13 11:12:15  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

withthe rapid development of tourism, the introduction of many tourist attractionsaround the world has been translated into the main languages of the world. thetourist attractions around the country have been translated into english,japanese, korean, french and other languages according to their needs. nomatter what the scenic spot is, what kind of language that was translated into,and what study perspective it is, the scholars of translation have already donelots of researches and got some related results. located in guangdong province,kaiping diaolou and villages, as one of the world' s cultural heritage, alsoattracted some attention of experts and scholars, and at present, considerableresearch achievements have been reached, which of kaiping diaolou architecturalstyle, design aesthetics, tourism industry, exploitation and protection,sustainable development, management and other aspects. however, there are a fewstudies on the translation of scenic spots, and the direct related englishliterature is almost nothing.

in june 28, 2007,after the declaration of the long 8 years, kaiping diaolou and villages wasofficially listed in the "world heritage list", becoming the first inguangdong provincial and the thirty-fifth in chinese world heritage sites.thanks to it, the world heritage project of china's overseas chinese culturewas initiated for the first time. kaiping diaolou and villages is the model ofchinese and western architectural styles, in the overall design, chinatraditional architectural art and western architectural style fused into one.there are many types of architectural style in the west, such as the ancientgreek colonnades, the ancient rome arch and column, the islamic leaf arch and iron carving, thegothic arch, the yamahana of baroque architecture, the decorativetechniques of the new literary and artistic movement, and the expressive formof the architectural art of the industrial school and so on, which are meltinginto the vernacular architecture of kaiping. it is not simply the introductionof a certain regional architectural art in a certain period of time. thediaolou heritage is one of the important embodiments of overseas chineseculture, so the english translation of kaiping diaolou and villages plays anindispensable role in the culture of overseas chinese foreign propaganda. totranslate the text of kaiping diaolou and villages, is the second collision andcommunication between chinese and western culture.

in the article thetranslation strategies of kaiping diaolou and villages, xie daning and he gaodatook the three principles of skopostheorie as the theoretical basis, taking thecultural background difference and other factors of the recipient intoconsideration, the cultural background differences of the target readers,regarded supplementation, simplification and adaptation as appropriatetranslation strategies, analyzed and proposed new translations in this paper.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案

Ⅰ. the basic contents of the study
1. introduction
1.1 the original intention of the project
1.2 the definition of related concepts: cross cultural perspective
1.3 a review of related theories: the current situation of cross-cultural translation strategies, the present situation of the translation of publicity materials for scenic spots
2. the introduction of kaiping diaolou and villages
2.1 the brief history of kaiping diaolou and villages
2.2 the status quo of kaiping diaolou and villages, and the classification of diaolou
2.3 the translation of the names of diaolou, and the author's views on it
3. a cross cultural analysis of the english introduction of kaiping diaolou
3.1 an analysis of the translation text on the brochure
3.2 an analysis of the english translation of audio and video data play within the li garden
3.3 analysis with examples of different introduction within the li garden, (including the historical information, character profile, stories and legends, the introduction of architecture, verse and couplets)
4. conclusion
to sum up the advantages and disadvantages of existing c-e translation of scenic spots introduction to kaiping diaolou and villages, call on the kaiping tourism bureau and other departments to pay more attention to this research for improving english translation in scenic spots and publicity materials to achieve better publicity, which can attract more tourists at home and abroad, at the same time promote the spread of kaiping diaolou and villages that bear construction culture and chinese culture.

Ⅱ. aim
i start the study on c-e translation of the scenic spots introduction to kaiping diaolou and villages from the cross cultural perspective, with the hope that based on a
deeper understanding of the historical culture and architectural culture of diaolou, taking the chinese introduction and english translation in the view spot as materials, i can interpret them from the cross cultural perspective and understand the intention of the original translator for this translation. if my capacity permits, i will try to retranslate some of those introductions in order to better express and transfer the contains of kaiping diaolou’s special historical and cultural connotation, and meanwhile offer some humble effort for the related research.


3. 研究计划与安排

2017.12.15—2018.01.10 fix the topics and collectrelevant information

2018.01.10—2018.02.28 consult literature, visit theview spots and get materials

2018.02.28—2018.03.19 list the outline and write athesis proposal


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

  1. 黄就娟. 文本类型理论视角下的开平碉楼楼名的英译[d].湖南师范大学,2016.

  2. 谢达宁,何高大.“开平碉楼与村落”翻译策略论[j].中国电力教育,2011(19):198-199 203.

  3. qiong wan. errors and solutions of c-e translationon tourism spots signs[j]. cross-cultural communication, 2016, vol.12 (12),pp.14-19.

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