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 2020-04-12 16:00:17  

摘 要






Hemoglobin and Melanin, which are the two most abundant and most important pigments in human skin, directly affect the health of the skin. Pigment separation can extract the concentration of hemoglobin and melanin from the skin image to obtain the concentration distribution of the independent pigment, and then generate the independent pigment image. This has a great effect on the diagnosis and treatment of pigmented skin diseases. Lesion segmentation, the detection of skin lesions from the surrounding normal skin, is a core step in computer-assisted analysis of dermoscopy images. In recent years, the skin lesion segmentation algorithm based on skin pigment distribution has received widespread attention from scholars due to its low complexity, no learning and pretreatment, and the existing pigment separation algorithm can only detect the disorder of independent melanin or hemoglobin concentration. The resulting areas of simple skin lesions, such as freckles, erythema, etc., are highly susceptible to light source interference, making the estimation results of pigments less robust and accurate, and ultimately affecting the performance of the segmentation algorithm. This paper analyzes and studies the skin lesion segmentation of dermoscopy images based on pigment separation. The main research work of the thesis is as follows:

(1) Implement a pigment separation algorithm based on a single skin image. The algorithm can effectively achieve the pigment concentration estimation of skin images. First, a model for the relationship between skin image pixels and pigment is established. Then using Independent Component Analysis (ICA) calculates a pigment separation matrix. Finally, on this basis, the concentration of the pigment is estimated based on the appropriate separation matrix, and the lesion area caused by the disorder of the independent pigment can be clearly seen through the change of the pigment concentration.

(2) Implement a skin lesion image segmentation algorithm based on pigment concentration distribution. First, pigmentation is performed on dermoscopy images based on the previous algorithm to obtain independent concentration profiles of hemoglobin and melanin. Then, in combination with the Otsu threshold method and a threshold segmentation method based on the mean and standard deviation of the pigment concentration, the melanin lesion area and the hemoglobin lesion area corresponding to the independent pigment concentration distribution are detected. The skin lesion areas of the two are merged by a set union operation to obtain a more complete skin lesion area. Finally, the skin lesion area is post-treated to obtain a more accurate skin lesion segmentation result. After experimental comparison and analysis, the accuracy and robustness of the algorithm are verified.

Key Words:Dermoscopy images, melanin, hemoglobin, pigment separation, skin lesion segmentation

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 主要涉及内容 3

1.4 本文结构 3

第2章 皮肤图像色素分离的设计与实现 4

2.1 皮肤结构及光学属性 4

2.2 皮肤图像建模 8

2.3 独立成分分析 11

2.4 皮肤图像色素浓度估计 15

第3章 皮肤镜图像皮损区域分割 21

3.1 结合色素分离的皮损区域分割算法 21

3.2 皮损区域分割后处理 26

3.3 算法效果分析 27

第4章 总结与展望 30

参考文献 31

致谢 33

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义

在计算机视觉、化妆品和皮肤医学等许多领域都涉及对人体皮肤的研究。与针对生物皮肤的研究相比,基于数字皮肤图像的研究更加安全和方便,并且便于量化分析和存储。与一般的数字图像处理不同, 了解皮肤组织的结构及其光学属性是进行皮肤图像研究的理论基础。




  1. 皮损区域和正常皮肤背景的颜色对比度较低;
  2. 皮损外观的形态差异较大,很难选择合适统一的分割方法;
  3. 皮损边界模糊或不规则;
  4. 皮损区域内的颜色特征差距很大;
  5. 图像中存在诸如皱纹、毛发、皮肤浸泡液产生的气泡、非均匀照明等,严重影响了分割结果的准确性。


1.2 国内外研究现状


  1. 基于反射率等其他光学属性的硬件测量


  1. 基于皮肤图像的估计

Tsumura等[8]使用独立成分分析(Independent Component Analysis,ICA)成功从皮肤图像中提取出了血色素与黑色素浓度,并得到了独立的色素浓度分布图,展现了独立色度在脸部皮肤的分布。同时通过改变各自色素浓度的大小,还合成了不同的皮肤肤色。但由于算法不够完善,独立的色素浓度分布图会出现马赛克现象。



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