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 2022-07-21 15:20:34  

Stamping Die Strip Optimization for Paired Parts

V.Vamanu, T.j.Nye

Mechanical Engineering Department

McMaster University

Hamilton, Ontario

October 30, 2000


In stamping, operating cost are dominated by raw material costs, which can typically reach 75% of total costs in a stamping facility. In this paper, a new algorithm is described that determines stamping strip layouts for pairs of parts such that the layout optimizes material utilization efficiency. This algorithm predicts the jointly-optimal blank orientation on the strip, relative positions of the paired blanks and the optimum width for the strip. Examples are given for pairing the same parts together with one rotated 180ordm;, and for pairs of different parts nested together. This algorithm is ideally suited for incorporation into die design CAE systems.

Keywords: Stamping, Die Design, Optimization, Material Utilization, Minkowski Sum, Design Tools


In stamping, sheet metal parts of various levels of complexity are produced rapidly, often in very high volumes, using hard tooling. The production process operates efficiently, and material costs can typically represent 75% of total operating costs in a stamping facility [1]. Not all of this material is used in the parts, however, due to the need to trim scrap material from around irregularly-shaped parts. The amount of scrap produced is directly related to the efficiency of the stamping strip layout. Clearly, using optimal strip layouts is crucial to a stamping firmrsquo;s competitiveness.

The degree of this trim loss is determined at the tooling design stage when the strip layout is created. As a part or parts are laid out on the strip, the designer chooses the orientation of the part(s), width of the strip, and, in the case of multiple parts blanked together, their relative positions. Ideally, the material utilization is maximized. The value of even tiny improvements in material utilization can be great; for example, in a stamping operation running at 200 strokes per minute, a savings of just 10 grams of material per part will accumulate into a savings of more than a tonne of raw material per eight-hour shift. The material utilization is set during the tooling design stage, and remains fixed for the (usually long) life of the tool. Thus, there is significant value in determining the optimal strip layout before tooling is built.

This task is complicated, however, since changing each variable in the layout can change both the pitch (distance along the strip between adjacent parts) and strip width simultaneously. Evaluating layout efficiency manually is extremely challenging, and while exact optimal algorithms have been described for the layout of a single part on a strip, so far only approximate algorithms have been available for the layout of pairs of parts together. Nesting solutions for pairs of parts is an important problem since it is empirically known that nesting pairs of parts can often improve material utilization compared to nesting each part on a separate strip. This paper addresses the common cases in which a given part is nested with a second copy of itself rotated at 180ordm;, and when two different parts are nested together. In this paper we describe a new algorithm that provides the optimal strip layout for these two cases.

Previous Work

Originally, strip layout problems were solved manually, for example, by cutting blanks from cardboard and manipulating them to obtain a good layout. The introduction of computers into the design process led to algorithmic approaches. Perhaps the first was to fit blanks into rectangles, then fit the rectangles along the strip[2]. Variations of this approach have involved fitting blanks into non-overlapping composites of rectangles [3], convex polygons [4,5] and known interlocking shapes[6]. A fundamental limitation exists with this approach, however, in that the enclosing shape adds material to the blank that cannot be removed later during the layout process. This added material may prevent optimal layouts from being found.

A popular approach to performing strip layout is the incremental rotation algorithm [6-10, 16]. In it, the blank, or blanks, are rotated by a fixed amount, such as 2ordm;[7], the pitch and width of the layout determined and the material utilization calculated. After repeating these steps through a total rotation of 180ordm; (due to symmetry), the orientation giving the best utilization is selected. The disadvantage of this method is that, in general, the optimal blank orientation will fall between the rotation increments, and will not be found. Although small, this inefficiency per part can accumulate into significant material losses in volume production.

Meta-heuristic optimization methods have also been applied to the strip layout problem, both simulated annealing [11, 12] and genetic programming [13]. While capable of solving layout problems of great complexity (i.e. many different parts nested together, general 2-D nesting of sheets), they are not guaranteed to reach optimal solutions, and may take significant computational effort to converge to a good solution.

Exact optimization algorithms have been developed for fitting a single part on a strip where the strip width is predetermined [14] and where it is determined during the layout process [15]. These algorithms are based on a geometric construction in which one shape is lsquo;grownrsquo; by another shape. Similar versions of this construction are found under the names lsquo;no-fit polygonrsquo;, lsquo;obstacle spacersquo; and lsquo;Minkowski sumrsquo;. Fundamentally, they simplify the process of determining relative positions of shapes such that the shapes touch but do not overlap. Through the use of this construction (in this paper, the particular version used is the Minkowski sum), efficient algorithms can be



V.Vamanu, T.j.Nye



Hamilton, Ontario

October 30, 2000





在冲压生产中,能够快速生产不同复杂程度的薄片金属零件,特别是在大产量的情况下,能够高强度生产。生产过程效率高,其中材料成本占据整个冲压生产成本的75% [1]。然而,由于需要从不规则形状零件上修剪废料,因此不是所有材料用于零件。冲压生产的排样设计直接决定废料的大小。很明显,使用最理想的排样设计对于提高公司的竞争力是至关重要的。


此项任务较为复杂,尽管如此,在设计中改变搭边值以后能够改变步距 (带料中邻近零件之间的距离) 以及带料宽度。评估设计效率非常具有挑战性,单一零件在带料上的布局能够通过精确的最佳计算方法描述,迄今为止零件间的布局只能通过近似计算法则解决。嵌套法对于零件之间的布局是一个重要问题从以往的经验来看零件间相互嵌套常常能够改善材料的利用率,就像在单一带料中将每个零件层叠在一起。本文引用普通案例中所取零件旋转180°后与上一工位零件相嵌套,以及两个不同零件间的相互嵌套。本文通过两个具体案例描述了一种新的排样布局计算方法。


曾经, 带料排样设计问题需要通过手工来解决。例如, 通过纸板模拟冲裁来获取一个好的排样方法。通过计算机介绍的设计过程所得出的步骤。也许首先要做出适合工件的矩形,然后将矩形顺序排放在带料上[2]。这种方法适合不相互重叠的矩形[3]、拉深多边形[4, 5]、已知相互关联的外形[6]。这种原理的方法具有一定局限性,尽管如此,在这种具有局限性下的设计中所产生较多的工艺废料不能被避免,这些额外损失的材料导致了设计方案无法达到最佳化。

增量旋转法是一种流行的排样设计方法[6-10, 16]。具体实现方法为,将零件旋转一定的角度,例如2°,[7],在设计中决定零件倾斜程度和带料宽度以及合适的材料利用率。在不断重复这些步骤以后工件旋转量达到180ordm; (由于对称),然后从中选出最佳排样方法。这种方法的缺点是,在一般情况下,最佳材料定位将降低旋转增量同时不能被找到。尽管差别很小,但在大批量生产中每个零件所浪费的材料会累计进而导致较多材料损失。

梅塔-启发式优化方法适用于排样设计,包括模拟退火[11, 12]和初步设计 [13]。当解决较复杂设计问题时 (也就是在2D平面上将较多不同零件嵌套在一起),它不能保证最佳排样方法,但是可以根据获得的计算结果进而总结为一个较好的解决方法。

开发出一种在设计过程[15]中确定单一零件在带料上的布局以及带料的宽度的确定[14]的精确的最佳的计算方法。这些计算方法基于建筑几何学中一个外形从另外一个上lsquo;发展rsquo;出来。相似的理论在这个学科中基于一个名叫lsquo;无适合多边形rsquo;,lsquo;障碍空间rsquo;和lsquo;明可夫斯基和rsquo;创建。从根本上来讲, 它仅是一种解决位置关系的方法,这样的外形有缺陷,但不会重叠。通过这种方法的应用 (本文中,特殊的译文是指明可夫斯基和), 能够创建一种全球化的最佳的具有高效率的排样布局的计算方法。

对于排样设计中零件间布局的特殊问题则根据问题报告采用增加旋转计算方法 [7, 16]和模拟退火 [11], 但是迄今为止并没有能够被实际应用的精确的计算方法。在下文中,将简要介绍明可



零件的外形被近似嵌套在每个多边形的n 个顶点上,在CCW方向上有限连续。随着顶点数量的增加零件边上的弯曲刃口能够近似的得到任意想要达到的精确度。例如两个多边形,A 和 B, 明可夫斯基和详细说明了A和B上每一个顶点的总和。


表面上看, 令人联想到这种方法中的零件Alsquo;成长于rsquo;零件B,或是变化后的零件–B (也就是零件B旋转180°) ,零件A周围和接着零件B周围参考点所连接而成的轨迹。例如,图1所示零件A。如果基于其中一个参考顶点 (0,0),将旋转180°后的零件A (也就是–A)围绕着零件A,–A上的参考点以粗线描述出图2中所示轮廓。 这个轮廓即是麦克马斯特和 。麦克马斯特和计算所用的方法能够被创建在计算出的几何图形中如[17,18]。

(图1) 示例零件A被嵌套

(图2) 示例零件(虚线)在麦克马斯特和 (粗线)中。

这个方法的意义在于如果–A的参考顶点是在 的周界上,A和–A将会相接触但不会产生重叠。两个零件将会尽可能的紧密贴合在一起,因而在设计时将一对零件其中的一个旋转180°。 定义了一对零件间所有可行的位置关系。

这个性质的一个推论是如果单一零件的麦克马斯特和是合适的。那么该零件将被否定,也就是 。(麦克马斯特和推出的一个完整的说明[15]。)这些报告是根据带料上单一零件间的最佳嵌套计算方法得出。



5. 在不干涉A的情况下选择B的位置关系麦克马斯特和 定义了可行的位置关系 (图2)。

6. 在这个位置关系中lsquo;加入rsquo;A和B. 创建出新的组合零件外形C。

7. 在带料上使用麦克马斯特 和套入组合零件C以及[14]或[15]给出的运算法则。

8. 重复步骤1-3直到排列出所有A和B可能的位置关系。在每个位置关系中找出最好的位置关系,如果这样,数字上最佳的位置关系即是最高的材料利用率。


上述方法的第一步是选择一个可行的B和A的位置关系。 上的一个平移矢量t定义了这个位置,如(图3)所示。当这个平移矢量t穿过 的轮廓时为最佳的方法。

(图3) 上关系零件的平移节点,显示出平移矢量 t

最初,节点上不连续的数被放置在 中的每个边界上。每个平移节点描述了两个零件临时lsquo;加入rsquo;位置关系,然后组合零件带料宽度中的最佳位置上使用单件生产设计程序(例如在 [14]或[15]中)。在此例中, 由12条边组成,每条边包含10个节点,总共多达120个平移节点。每个节点的位置是通过每条边 直线的插补创建,在麦克马斯特和上 即顶点I的坐标是( , )。定义一个位置参数 中s = 0和 中s = 1,每个平移节点的坐标创建方式如下:



如果点m放置在每条边上, , 位置参数的值 ,按如下公式创建:


利用图3所示120个节点计算出的结果如图4所示。在此图中,当每条边移动时 显示了如何利用截线改变每条边后平移矢量的线被打断。当一些边的截线上述单一的变化,其他截线的则显示了2到3个局部截线。 从中找最合适的位置,这就是需要许多节点的原因。

(图4)零件 A –A的最佳材料利用率

根据 创建出的级数,当局部最大利用率被显示出时即可调用一个理论上最佳的方法。在引出工作利用率之前不可用(无附加计算结果),可以使用区间分半法 [19]。节点最初组成的间距能够显示出

局部最大的点。三个相同间距的点放置在上述间距间 (也就是在 1/4, 1/2和3/4 的位置),然后计算出每个点上的利用率。比较每个点上的利用率之值,能够根据反复降低所得间隔的一半得出结果。上述步骤直到得到想要的精度为止。

应用这种方法推导出最佳平移矢量点 (747.894,250.884),如(图5)所示排样图材料利用率达92.02%。




生产中常遇到相同材料和相同产量的各类零件,例如,需要装配在一起的左右两部分零件。将类似的零件组合在一起生产可以获得更高的效率,还能提高材料的利用率。这种运算法则的排样设计同样适合相同零件的排样设计。例如(图6)所示的零件B。决定平面位置关系的相应的麦克马斯特和 ,如(图7)所示。在此例中, 包含15条边,材料利用率的值如(图8)所示。重复一次,通过 的边精确显示出多种局部最大利用率。(图9)所示即为最佳排样平移矢量点坐标(901.214, 130.314)。材料利用率为85.32%。此例中带料宽度为1229.74、步距为1390.00。


的麦克马斯特和 (粗线)





做排样设计时应注意:所有的排列方式都应该被考虑。例如,本文中示例零件的排样方法应该考虑:零件A单独排样成对生产,零件B单独排样成对生产 以及A和B成对一起生产。设计者应该考虑原料成本,模具加工成本和操作成本以及冲出零件需要的工具尽量降低生产成本。



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