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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2022-07-06 20:09:13  


摘 要


第一章 结构选型置与布置................... .... ........ .....6

1.1设计依据.......................... ... . .............7

第二章确定计算简图.................... ...... ....... .......8

2.1确定计算简图................... .... ....... ........9

2.2梁柱截面尺寸................... ... .................9

2.3材料强度等级.................... ..... .............11

2.4荷载计算.......................... .. . ............11

第三章 框架内力计算..................... .. .. .............12

3.1荷载作用下的框架内力............ .. .. .............12

3.2活载作用下内力计算................ .. ... ..........15

3.3风荷载作用下内力计算........... .. .... . ............17

3.4地震作用下横向框架的内力计算.. .. .. ... . ..........19

第四章 框架内力组合............... .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. .23

第五章 框架内力组合............... ........... . ... .. ....28

第六章 楼梯结构计算设计............... ..... .. .. ........42

6.1梯段板计算............... ........... .. .. .. .....42

6.2休息平台板计算............... ......... . ..... . ...43

6.3 梯段梁 TL1计算............... ........ . .... ... ..43

第七章 现浇楼面板设计............... ......... . ..... ... 45

7.1跨中最大弯矩............... ............ ... .. ....45

7.2求支座中点最大弯矩............... ......... ...... ..48

7.3A区隔............... ............... ... .. .. ... ..50

7.4E区隔............... ............... ......... ......51

第八章 柱下独立基础设计. ... ... ............... . ... ... ..52

8.1 3轴A柱基础设计... ... .......... ........... ... .....53

8.2 3轴B柱基础设计...... ............. ......... .... ......56

参考文献............... ............... ............. ......60

致谢............... ............... ............... . ... ..61



本次毕业设计题目为《扬州市某公司职工宿舍楼》.在结构前期,我温习了《结构力学》、《土质土力学》、《混凝土结构》、《建筑结构抗震设计》等知识.在网上搜集了很多资料,并且做了笔记.在准备阶段,我们通过了所学的基本理论、专业知识和基本技能进行了计算和分析.本组在成员齐心协力,发挥了大家的团队精神.在结构设计后期组要进了设计手稿的电脑输入和PKPM计算出图(并且有一张手画基础图),并得到老师的审批和指正,使我圆满完成了设计工作 .

结构设计的八周里,在指导老师的帮助下,经过资料查阅、设计计算、以及外文的翻译,加深了对新规范、规程手册等相关内容的理解,进一步了解了EXCL WORD等软件.在绘图时熟练掌握了AutoCAD、PKPM等专业软件.



Structural design is an important stage in the design of civil engineering graduate, is a comprehensive learning phase before graduation, is to deepen, broaden, important process integrated teaching is considered a comprehensive summary of what they have learned during the university's expertise.
The graduation project titled "Yangzhou City, a company staff dormitory." In the structure of the early, I review the "structural mechanics", "soil soil mechanics", "concrete structures", "Seismic Design of Building Structures" and other knowledge online gather a lot of information, and made notes in the preparation stage, we have learned through the basic theory and professional knowledge and basic skills were calculated and analyzed in the members of the group together, we played a team spirit in the structure Design group late into the design of the manuscript to computer input and PKPM calculated figure (and there is a hand-painted base figure), and get the teacher's approval and correct me, make me successful completion of the design work.
Structural design of the eight weeks, in the instructor's help, through access to information, design calculations, and foreign language translation, deepened the new norms, procedures, manuals and other related content understanding, learn more about the EXCL WORD software in drawing When mastered AutoCAD, PKPM other professional software.
Computational workload frame design is large, in the calculation process to hand count, supplemented by a correction of some calculation software because of their limited level, is wrong and negligence Hope teacher criticism.

第一章 结构选型与布置


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