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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 工程管理 > 正文


 2022-06-06 22:47:55  


摘 要


关键词:组织机构 监理程序 方法和措施 控制

The supervision planning about the first part of yujingwan


In this paper, in accordance with the requirements for the content of the specification, which is divided into ten chapters, contains the general situation of the project supervision planning usually have, Engineering situation, supervision basis, supervision work target, supervision organization, supervision contents, supervision procedure and supervision methods and measures, supervision system, supervision facilities. Map out the specific organization and build responsibility assignment matrix, responsibility allocation for various management functions. Specify the application of engineering supervision work in detail, and draw detailed flow chart of each function of management. In detail the methods and measures of engineering supervision, including supervision in the process of scheduling, quality, safety, investment, and other management functions in a variety of effective management methods and measures of economic measures, contract and organizational measures and technical measures, etc. Set forth in detail the supervision system, such as: design documents, drawings review system; The construction and design the blue prints.the design disclosure system; Construction organization design review system; Engineering construction application review system; Engineering materials quality inspection system; Engineering division (breakdown) project quality acceptance system, and so on.


Key Words: Organisation; Supervision procedures; Methods and measures; Control

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 工程概况 1

第二章 监理工作依据 3

第三章 监理工作范围 4

第四章 监理工作目标 5

第五章 监理组织 6

5.1监理组织机构 6

5.2 监理机构的人员岗位职责 7

第六章 监理内容 10

第七章 监理程序 11

7.1 组建项目监理部 11

7.2 熟悉施工图纸,做好施工图审阅工作 11

7.3编制工程项目监理规划及监理实施细则 12

7.4开展施工准备阶段的监理工作 13

7.5施工阶段监理工作主要流程框图目录: 14

7.6 竣工验收阶段的监理工作流程 17

7.7保修阶段的监理工作要点 18

第八章 监理方法和措施 21

8.1质量控制监理方法和措施 21

8.2 进度控制监理方法和措施 29

8.3 投资控制监理方法和措施 41

8.4 安全生产与文明施工监理方法和措施 47

8.5 监理协调的方法和措施 47

8.6 合同管理方法和措施………………………………………………………………………………….61

8.7 信息管理方法和措施 61

8.8旁站监理方法和措施 70

8.9节能保温监理方法和措施 73

第九章 监理制度 77

9.1 监理内部管理制度 77

9.2 工程质量检查与验收制度 82

9.3 工程变更及索赔管理制度 90

9.4资料管理及日常监理工作制度 94

9.5其他监理制度 108

第十章 监理设施 112




第一章 工程概况




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