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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 建筑电气与智能化 > 正文


 2022-06-06 22:19:43  


摘 要




关键词:照明设计 防雷接地 消防设计

The Electrical Design Of Factory’s Plant In Nanjing


The project is the electrical design of the plant what is a workshop that has a basement and seven story. Through reasonable design ,we can improve the work efficiency , create a good environment and protect personal safety and equipment safety of workshop.

This is a project about electrical design of someone factory’s plant in Nanjing,that includes the lighting system design, lightning protection and grounding system design,fire protection system design.The design of transformation and distribution is separate.The project is performed according to the standards and norms set by the State and referring to the information of the relevant design that other professionals provided. Being acquainted with the compartmentalization of function zoning and fire-protected zoning according to the requirement,make the design more perfect. Lighting System includes the calculations of illumination,the selection of light source and lamps,as well as considering glare and functional areas to determine lamps ,sources and the position loop. There are some part such as laying nets,choosing the material of equipment in lightning protection and the general equipotential bonding in the aspect of lighting protection and grounding.Fire System:the settings of various types of fire equipment, linked manner,equipment selection,and so on.

The design need to meet the illumination standard,the requirement of energy saving and lightning protection and grounding ,as well as fire-protected system’s safety and stability

Key Words: The design of lightning;The lightning protection and grounding;Fire protection

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 系统概述 1

1.1工程概述 1

1.2设计目的 1

1.3设计规范 1

1.4设计概述 2

1.4.1照明系统设计 2

1.4.2火灾自动报警系统设计 2

1.4.3.防雷接地系统设计 2

第二章 照明系统设计 4

2.1照明计算 4

2.1.1光源和灯具的选择 4

2.1.2照明节能设计 5

2.1.3照度计算 6

2.1.4举例计算 8

2.2照明负荷计算 15

2.2.1照明配电系统设计原则 15

2.2.2需要系数法确定计算负荷 15

2.2.3照明负荷计算 16

2.3配电系统 34

第三章 火灾自动报警系统设计 36

3.1系统概述 36

3.2设计要求 36

3.3火灾自动报警系统 36

3.3.1系统结构 37

3.3.2消防控制室 37

3.3.3火灾探测器的选择 37

3.3.4探测器的布置 37

3.3.5系统设备的布置 42

3.3.6消防联动设计 44

3.4设备选型 44

第四章 防雷接地系统设计 46

4.1防雷 46

4.1.1防雷等级计算 46

4.1.2防雷措施 47

4.2接地 47

第五章 总结 49

参考文献 50

致谢 51

第一章 系统概述


本设计为南京某厂厂房的电气设计,属于真题假作。建筑总面积大约为24000平米 ,地下一层地上七层,建筑高度43.8米。地下一层有3个排烟机房,1个水泵房。有一个3t货梯,其电梯机房设在7层夹层。1个3t货梯兼消防货梯,其机房设在顶层。主要包括车间、各类机房、变压器房、中控室、配件室、检测室的电气设计。地下室划为三个防火分区、一层夹层划为2个防火分区、七层和七层夹层划为一个防火分区、屋顶划为一个防火分区,其他一层为一防火分区。火灾危险性类别为戊类,耐火等级为二类。在一楼右侧大门处设有消防控制室。这次设计有照明电气系统设计,防雷接地系统设计,消防自动警报系统设计。







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