2022-05-27 22:20:42
摘 要
关键字: 居民消费 消费水平 消费结构 江苏省
An Empirical Study of consumption growth in Jiangsu Province
The level of consumption is affected by the overall economic situation , to a certain extent, the reaction of the economic situation of a country or region.Taking Jiangsu Province as an example, we analyze the evolution of consumption of urban and rural residents in Jiangsu Province and consumption structure by theoretical analysis, descriptive statistics and econometric model analysis, the static analysis and dynamic analysis, looking for consumer spending and consumption pattern’s optimization of law and discovering the crux of restricting consumption growth. We use econometric model analysis study the main factors affecting rural and urban residents in Jiangsu Province in consumer spending, and consumer spending of urban and rural residents in Jiangsu Province by multi-factor analysis, analyzing the changes in consumption structure of residents in Jiangsu Province.
In this paper, firstly, multi-factor analysis was carried out on the residents' consumption level of jiangsu province, and found that the main factors influencing the residents' consumption level for residents' income, the overall price level and the level of economic development.Then the multivariate regression model is established. According to regression results found that residents' consumption level is affected by price level relative to the income effect is bigger, and we put forward the government's policy to maintain price stability.Next we study the relationship between income and consumption levels, and the influence of different kinds of income on the residents' consumption level, and find out the reason of restricting residents consumption level growth, and put forward the corresponding policy.Finally, we analyze the residents' consumption structure in jiangsu province by comparing the change of residents' consumption structure in 2002 and 2013, and studies the cause of the residents' consumption structure change, finally, concludes with recommendations on how to establish a scientific and rational consumption structure.
Keywords: Consumer Consumption levels Consumption Structure Jiangsu Province
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 引言 1
1.1 研究目的及意义 1
1.2 研究相关背景 1
1.3 本文的研究方法及创新.....................................................................................3
第二章 居民消费水平的因素分析 5
2.1 影响居民消费水平的因素 5
2.2 结果分析与建议 7
第三章 不同种类收入对消费水平的影响 9
3.1 居民收入与消费之间关系的具体分析 9
3.1.1 广义最小二乘法 9
3.1.2 样本选取 10
3.1.3变量的计算与结果分析 11
3.2 不同种类收入对消费水平的影响 14
3.2.1 不同种类收入所占比重的变化 14
3.2.2不同种类收入对江苏省居民消费水平的影响及结果分析 16
第四章 消费结构的变化 19
4.1 消费结构的变化 19
4.2 影响消费结构的因素分析以及提出的相关建议 21
第五章 结论与建议 22
参考文献 23
致谢 24
第一章 引言
改革开放以来,虽然我国国民经济取得了快速的增长,但是主要依靠的是政府的投资,出口与消费拉动经济增长的作用未能有效发挥,这不利于经济持续增长。在世界经济发展大背景下,利用出口拉动经济增长的路径越来越窄,因此刺激国内消费市场,让消费成为拉动我国经济增长的主要动力之一尤显重要。由于消费不仅是社会再生产的重要一环,而且消费总量和消费结构与产业结构的调整和升级也密不可分, 因此如何促进居民消费、优化消费结构以推动经济持续稳定发展成为学界目前的研究焦点。
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