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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 环境科学与工程类 > 水质科学与技术 > 正文


 2022-05-21 22:22:19  


摘 要

本文采用简易电化学反应装置,以石墨片作为阴极,钌铱电极作为阳极电解产生过氧化氢,并选取最优条件处理苯酚模拟废水。采用草酸钛钾(K2TiO(C2O4)2.2H2O)比色法来测定H2O2含量,研究恒电流条件下过氧化氢的产生效果。实验中电解质选取Na2SO4,通过实验考察pH值、曝气量、电流密度和电解质浓度对过氧化氢产生量的影响。同时综合比较各因素对过氧化氢产生量的影响确定优化条件,并以此优化条件处理不同Fe2 浓度的苯酚模拟废水,并用高效液相色谱法测定废水中苯酚去除效率。结果表明,电流密度对过氧化氢产生量的影响最大,电流密度越小,过氧化氢产生量越高。曝气程度的影响次之,曝气量越大,产生量越大。pH和电解质浓度对过氧化氢的产生效果影响不大,在酸性条件下,过氧化氢产生量最大,在碱性条件下,过氧化氢的产生效果最差。电解质浓度越小,产生量越高。同时Fe2 浓度越大,苯酚的去除效果越好。

初步获得了苯酚电芬顿处理的优化工艺条件:Na2SO4做电解质、pH=3、曝气量500mL/min,电流密度10mA/cm2,电解质浓度0.05mol/L,Fe2 浓度2.11mmol/L。在该优化条件下苯酚的去除率为78.2%,溶液中的苯酚大部分已被降解。通过研究电芬顿法去除苯酚模拟废水的工艺条件及影响规律,可为电芬顿技术处理苯酚实际废水提供实验依据。

关键词:电芬顿 过氧化氢 苯酚废水处理 

Study on the technological conditions of removing phenol wastewater by electro Fenton method


Electrochemical method was utilized to produce hydrogen peroxide in this paper, and the optimal condition was selected for treating phenol wastewater. A simple electrochemical reactor was set up with graphite sheet as the cathode and ruthenium iridium electrode as the anode. Titanium potassium oxalate colorimetry was built to determine H2O2 concentrations. Experiments were carried on by using sodium sulfate as experiments to investigate their effects of the pH, aeration quantity, current density and electrolyte concentration on the production rate. The factors which influence the production rate were comprehensively compared to determine the optimum conditions. The optimum condition was selected to treat different ferrous ion concentration of phenol wastewater. HPLC was built to determined the phenol removal efficiency in waste water. The results showed that the impact of current density on production rate is the largest. The larger is the current density, the higher the production is. Aeration quantity also has large effects on production and the larger is the aeration quantity, the higher the production is. Electrolyte concentration and pH have no obvious impact on the production. The production had the largest amount under the acidic condition, and the least under the alkaline condition. And there is a increase in production with the decreasing of electrolyte concentration. The higher is the ferrous ion concentration, the higher the removal is.

The preliminary optimized experimental conditions are as followed: the current density of 10mA/cm2, the aeration quantity of 500mL/min, Na2SO4 electrolyte concentration of 0.05mol/L, pH = 3, the ferrous ion concentration of 2.11mmol/L. Phenol removal efficiency at the optimized conditions is up to 78.2%, which means that phenol is almost degraded. By studying the electro-Fenton method of phenol removal process conditions, it contributes to practical application of electrochemical removal for organic matter containing phenol wastewater.

Key Words: electro-Fenton; hydrogen peroxide; phenol wastewater treatment


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1前言 1

1.2电-Fenton氧化方法及原理 1

1.3苯酚废水的电化学处理方法及现状 2

1.3.1三维电极法 2

1.3.2三维电极法与电-Fenton耦合法 2

1.3.3电催化氧化法 2

1.3.4电-Fenton法 2

1.4影响过氧化氢产生效果的因素 3

1.4.1初始pH值对过氧化氢产生效果的影响 3

1.4.2曝气量对过氧化氢产生效果的影响 3

1.4.3电流密度对过氧化氢产生效果的影响 4

1.4.4电解质浓度对过氧化氢产生效果的影响 4

1.5 Fe2 浓度对苯酚废水去除效果研究 4

1.6过氧化氢含量的测量方法 5

1.6.1草酸钛钾(K2TiO(C2O4)2.2H2O)比色法 5

1.6.2碘化钾还原法 5

1.6.3流动注射电化学发光法 5

1.7苯酚含量的测量方法 5

1.7.1紫外分光光度法 5

1.7.2气相色谱法 5

1.7.3高效液相色谱法 5

1.8研究内容及意义 6

第二章 实验部分 7

2.1主要试剂、仪器 7

2.1.1试剂 7

2.1.2仪器 7

2.1.3装置(示意图) 8

2.2 实验步骤 8

2.2.1草酸钛钾溶液的配制 8

2.2.2过氧化氢标准曲线的绘制 8

2.2.3单因素实验 8

2.2.4苯酚标准曲线的绘制 9

2.2.5模拟水样的测定 10

2.3 分析方法 10

2.3.1H2O2含量的测定 10

2.3.2苯酚含量的测定 10

第三章 实验结果与分析 10

3.1 实验现象 11

3.2 实验结果分析 11

3.2.1H2O2标准曲线 11

3.2.2pH对过氧化氢产生量的影响 12

3.2.3曝气量对过氧化氢产生量的影响 13

3.2.4电流密度对过氧化氢产生量的影响 14

3.2.5电解质浓度对过氧化氢产生量的影响 15

3.2.6苯酚标准曲线 16

3.2.7优化条件 17

第四章 总结与展望 18

4.1 总结 19

4.2 展望 19

参考文献 20

第一章 绪论


苯酚是一种日常生活中常见的有机污染物,造纸废水,焦化废水,印染厂的工业废水中大量存在着苯酚[1]。苯酚及其衍生物对人和动植物有致命的毒害性[2]。传统的Fenton法处理处理效率不高,且投入资金大。近几年来,人们研究较多的是高级氧化技术,并发现其潜在发展性,高级氧化技术的核心是产生氧化能力极强的•OH,用这种方法去除废水中苯酚的效果被大大提升[3]。同时,相比较起传统的Fenton技术,电-Fenton法具有强氧化性、高效率、化学试剂用量少、无二次污染等特点,如今在国际上已经成为一种环境友好技术被广泛应用于处理废水中难降解有机物(如酚类、芳胺类、芳烃类、农药及核废料等难降解有机废水等)[4]。因此,电-Fenton技术是Fenton技术的发展方向[5]。苯酚对人类生活环境的危害如此严重,因此,如何高效去除废水中苯酚已成为水处理行业中的热点问题,本实验通过研究pH值,曝气程度,电流密度,电解质投加浓度,Fe2 投加浓度等测定对苯酚去除效果的影响,寻找最佳工艺条件。





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