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 2022-05-15 22:40:20  


摘 要



关键词:机顶盒升级 前端开发 配置数据库 管理数据

Set-top Box Upgrade Management System Based on .NET


With the development of computer technology, the application for information management ,that microcomputer as the processing core and database management system as the development environment , is gradually welcomed by people. In real life, due to the large area of the user to install and use a set-top box as a home video viewing mode, set-top boxes often need updates, the set-top box upgrade management will need a system to achieve the overall management.

On the basis of a lot of requirements analysis, I decided to use the customer information management, set-top boxes parameters, repair/upgrades, user information and announcements inform these five functional modules to make up the set-top box management system.Designing a login screen to guarantee the security of the system before entering the back-end interface. In the database,creating tables which corresponding to each function module to storage and manage data,for data entry and real-time updates.In this paper, ASP.NET and SQL2008 database as a development tool, the system uses B / S structure, mainly including the development and establishment of front-end applications, back-end database to configure these two elements. Application development includes the front-end page program development and back-end logic coding.Runing the set-top box upgrade management system, the results showed that the program is compiled stably, operation method is simple, interface is friendly and interactive, practicability is strong, It is convenient for system users to easily manage the set-top box to upgrade quickly and effectively.

Key words: set-top box upgrade management;front-end development;

Configure database;manage data

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 前言 1

1.1 开发背景 1

1.2 开发环境 1

1.3 开发技术概述 1

1.3.1 ASP.NET技术介绍 1

1.3.2 SQL SEVER数据库技术介绍 3

1.3.3 B/S结构介绍 3

第二章 系统分析与设计 4

2.1系统分析 4

2.2 数据库表的设计 5

2.3 系统设计 8

2.3.1 用户登录模块 8

2.3.2 客户信息模块 9

2.3.3机顶盒参数模块 10

2.3.4 机顶盒维修/升级模块 11

2.3.5 用户信息模块 11

2.3.6 公告通知模块 12

第三章 系统开发 13

3.1 用户登录 13

3.2 母版页 14

3.3 客户信息 16

3.4 机顶盒参数 19

3.5 维修/升级 20

3.6 用户信息 21

3.7 公告通知 21

3.8 页面美化 22

第四章 系统测试和结果 24

4.1 登录界面测试 24

4.2 客户信息管理模块测试 25

4.3 机顶盒参数设置模块测试 27

4.4 维修/升级模块测试 28

4.5 用户信息模块测试 29

4.6 公告通知模块测试 31

第五章 总结与展望 33

参考文献 34

致谢 36

第一章 前言




本系统应用了B/S架构模型。具体的开发环境为:Microsoft Visual Studio 2010作为开发工具,使用Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Mangerment Studio作为后台数据库管理系统。


1.3.1 ASP.NET技术介绍

ASP 是微软公司花费大量时间和精力来开发的一项服务器端脚本技术,能将嵌入网页中的脚本用因特网服务器执行。ASP.NET的前身ASP技术,是在IIS 2.0上首次推出(Windows NT 3.51),当时与 ADO 1.0 一起推出,在IIS 3.0 (Windows NT 4.0)推出后,迅速受到开发者欢迎,成为开发服务器端应用程序的重要工具。此后Microsoft又推出了Visual InterDev开发工具来辅助ASP.NET,为微软推广Windows NT 4.0平台立下了汗马功劳。此后ASP网站开始蓬勃发展,出现了成千上万的基于ASP的网站。

ASP.NET构架可以用Microsoft公司最新的产品 Visual Studio.Net开发环境进行开发,和WYSIWYG(What You See Is What You Get所见即为所得)的编辑,这只是ASP.NET软件支持的一小部分。ASP.NET可以使用多种语言进行编写,它能够在Web应用软件开发者的所有平台上运行。ASP.NET让很普通的操作比如填写内容的提交、登录时的身份验证、系统分布和配置网站变得直接易懂。


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