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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 电子信息工程 > 正文


 2022-05-15 22:39:55  


摘 要

电子技术已经在新时代有了迅猛的发展,曾经市场上广泛运用的称量工具已经不能够完全胜任客户以及商家们的要求。最近几年,顾客与商家们一直在期望出现具备测量精度高、精致、显示直观、价格便宜等优点的称量工具能够广泛的被使用于市场上。于是电子秤便适应市场的需求而设计出来。电子秤凭借着某些传统称量工具不能代替的功能,比如称量方便,准确度高,自动化控制,操作简单,广泛的运用于人们生活,工业生产,科学研究中等特点。以STC89C52单片机为核心设计的电子秤,量程在0~10kg。将HL-8型悬臂梁式电阻应变式传感器输出的电压,采用HX711 内置放大电路以及24位高速A/D转换器,将电信号转换为相应的数字信号,通过系统相应设计软件的处理,通过LCD12864液晶显示屏显示所称得的物体重量。



Precision Measurement Electronic Balance based on Single Chip


The electronic technology has developed rapidly in the new era, and the widely-used weighing instruments in the market cannot completely meet the requirements of customers and merchants. In recent years, customers and merchants have been expecting that the high-precision, exquisite and cheap electronic balance with direct display can be widely used in electronic market. Then the electronic balance is designed to adapt the market demand. The electronic balance is widely used in people's life, industrial production and scientific research with some functions that the traditional weighing instruments do not possess, such as the convenient weighing, high accuracy, automatic control, simple operation. The electronic balance with STC89C52 single chip as the core enjoys the measuring range in 0~10kg. It adopts HX711 built-in amplifier circuit and 24 bits high speed A/D converter to convert the electrical signals of the output voltage from HL-8 cantilever straingauge type transducer; through treated by the corresponding design software of system, the object weight can be displayed on LCD12864.

In conclusion, the electronic balance should guarantee the weighing accuracy; at the same time, it should also be exquisite design and strong plasticity; if so, such product will be will be based on the original level of the original design.

Key Words: Cantilever beam type resistor;Strain sensor;Built -in amplifier circuit

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 研究背景和意义 1

1.3 研究现状 2

第二章 系统硬件功能 4

2.1 系统硬件功能 4

2.1.1 系统功能分析及总体方案设计 4

2.1.2 系统主控芯片STC89c52 5

2.1.3 STC89C52单片机引脚功能 5

2.1.4 复位电路 6

2.1.5 晶振电路 7

2.2 A/D转换芯片HX711接口电路的设计 7

2.2.1 HX711引脚功能及电器特性 8

2.2.2 HX711管脚说明 10

2.2.3 HX711的时序图 12

2.3 压电传感器的电路 12

2.3.1 应变片式电阻传感器 12

2.3.2 应变片式电阻传感器的结构和原理 12

2.3.3 全桥测量电路 12

2.4 LCD显示模块 14

2.3.5 LCD1602命令及时序 15

2.5 键盘输入模块 16

第三章 系统软件设计 18

3.1 系统主函数 18

3.2 A/D数据采集子函数 18

3.3 软件滤波子函数及显示函数 19

3.4 键盘扫描子程序 19

第四章 系统调试 20

4.1 系统硬件测试 20

4.2 线性度的确定 20

4.2.1 未定标时输出值 20

4.2.2 定标后数码管显示值 21

4.2.3 误差分析 22

结 语 24

参考文献 25

附 录 26

第一章 绪论

1.1 引言




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