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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2022-05-11 20:53:31  


摘 要

意思自治是私法中的基本概念,它起源于古希腊、古罗马时期。十六世纪法国民法学者杜摩兰(Charles Dumoulin)在前人的理论基础之上首创性的提出了意思自治学说,随后各国立法与实践纷纷把该理论作为确定合同准据法的重要准则。意思自治概念的主要含义就是法律充分尊重当事人自主选择的意愿,国内私法中的当事人意思自治原则反映在国际私法上主要表现为当事人能够自由选择与自身有关的国际民商事合同的准据法或者表现为当事人可以选择处理纠纷的法院或者仲裁机构。国际私法所调整的对象是具有国际性的民商事关系,保护跨国当事人的合法权益不受损害是其主要的目的所在。所以,随着现今国际社会的迅速发展和跨国民商事案件的日益复杂,经历了从理论学说到私法基本原则转变的意思自治,在当今全球化新时期中不断地丰富其内涵扩展其所涉及领域,与此同时各国立法逐渐把尊重和保护当事人意思自治作为该国私法中的重要基本理念。









关键词:国际私法 意思自治 合同 侵权 法律适用法

The Principle Of Autonomy Of Private International Law


The principle of Autonomy of private law has a long history and comes back to the Greece and the ancient Rome, which is the basic concept in private law. In 16th century, the famous scholar Charles Dumoulin firstly created the theory of party autonomy on the basis of former theories .To the 19th century, both in legislation and judicial, the Autonomy is always used as the main principle of the contract law. Its core meaning is show full respect for the autonomy of the parties. In the private International Law it is that the parties concerned that people can choose the applicable law or choose the concerned court freely on international civil and commercial matters. What international private law concerns the international civil relationships and its main pursuit is to protect the private interests and the civil rights. So respecting for the principle of Autonomy of private law generally becomes the prime principle of private international law in many nations. With the enriching inner meanings and extending outer extensions, in contemporary global times, this main principle plays a very important role in China.

Based on the study of home and foreign scholars, this paper tends to use the historical and comparative study methods with theory, to common practices and wants to give a brief discussion on the principle of Autonomy of private law. While this article also argues the reality of Autonomy in legislation and common practice, and predicts its further development. Five parts is made up of this article which mainly focuses on the following five matters: First, studying the growing path of Autonomy and this paper also try to study the rationality of the existence of the principle of the

Autonomy .Secondly, this paper tends to make a brief prediction on its developing future in the point of limiting and development of Autonomy, Thirdly, the practice conditions, applications of the contracts like torts, marriage, family laws and property rights are also discussed in this thesis. Finally, talks about the existing problems of Autonomy in the judicial practice in our country and give some solutions to these problems.

There are five sections and one brief summary which aims to analyses its essence and functions of party autonomy in private international law.

The first part will be a simple introduction to a concept, the autonomy principle, mainly including its theoretical origins, history development and the background of the rights.

The second part is mainly talks about the development of autonomy the contract in the recent years. There are now two new trends in contract fields: in the realities of the law, there is no longer limit in the scope of the normal contracts. Meanwhile, in some special contracts like tort contracts, and consumer contracts, now there are more and more limitations to principle of autonomy .Then, this chapter discussed mainly about the practice conditions and applications of the principle in torts, marriage, family laws and property rights.

The third part we mainly discusses about the development trends of autonomy principle in the 21st century. Modern international private law shows that the human also cares the material equality in protection of the interests of weak party which is now the core purpose of the private international law.

The fourth part will probe into the research of the restrictions of autonomy principle, which will contains the analysis the limitations of the autonomy principle about conflict application system, which in this paper we will contain the recognition

of the foreign law ,and the limitations of domestic peremptory norms .This part we aims to further study the China' s legislative restrictions about principle of autonomy.

The fifth part is mainly focus on the passing history, combined with the cases about Private law in recent years like the international trade and marketing .This article finally gives a profound commends on the principle of Autonomy of international private law .

Key Words: Private international law; Party autonomy; Contracts; Tort; the Law of applicable law

目 录

中文摘要 I

英文摘要 III

一、意思自治原则的本质探析 1

(一)意思自治原则的概述 2

1. 国内法上意思自治的概念 2

2. 国际私法中意思自治的内涵 2

(二)意思自治原则的产生背景 3

1.西方民主政治制度 3

2. 自由主义商品经济 4

3. 法哲学思想理论基础 4

(三)意思自治原则的历史回顾 5

1.意思自治理论的初步形成 5

2.意思自治学说的快速发展 5

3.意思自治原则的最终确立 6

(四)意思自治原则的价值分析 7

1.赞成论 7

2.反对论 8

3.折衷论 9

二、国际私法上意思自治原则的适用领域 10

(一)合同领域中的意思自治 10

1.特殊合同中排除当事人意思自治 11

2.一般合同中减少对意思自治的限制 11

(二)侵权领域中的意思自治 12

(三)物权领域中的意思自治 13

(四)婚姻家庭中的意思自治 14

(五)继承领域中的意思自治 14

三、国际私法上意思自治原则的发展趋向 15

(一)意思自治适用的领域不断扩大 15

1.软化冲突规范增加法律灵活性 16

2.扩大内国管辖权利于国内法适用 16


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