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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2022-05-11 20:31:35  


摘 要



关键词:诱惑侦查 域外考察 法律规制


The investigation of temptation is the reconnaissance means used frequently in criminal investigation department, while there is no investigation means in the criminal law.. Temptation investigation is widely used in has a hidden high, strong organization, such as drug trafficking, smuggling and counterfeiting currency crime, causing the jurisprudence of investigative means in this research. There are many kinds of expression in the present temptation investigation, which makes the operation difficulty in judicial practice. The investigation of the temptation has a strong secret, which will lead to the main power of the investigation subject easy to expand, infringe upon the legitimate rights of citizens, damage our legal system. There are some regulations in the investigation of the temptation to investigation, but in China, Japan, Britain and other countries, the lack of legal regulation in many aspects of the temptation investigation.. Therefore, this article in contrast to the history and the present situation of the United States and Japan in our country for the temptation investigation, the temptation to the investigation of the system, and thus promote the continuous improvement of our legal system.

This text is divided into four parts. The first part mainly to the investigation of the temptation, the detailed investigation from the history of the development, concepts, features, classification, rationality and legitimacy of these points of the evaluation of the points. The second part describes the temptation investigation of extraterritorial investigation, mainly of the United States, the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom and other countries research related to regulation of the encouragement to elaborate and then describe in our country a on the regulation of the encouragement reference and inspiration. The third part is about the status quo and problems of the temptation investigation in China.. The fourth part is the third part of the investigation system of the temptation of our country to improve the.

Key words: Temptation investigation;Foreign investigation ;legal regulations



摘要 II

Abstract III

一、诱惑侦查概述 1

(一)诱惑侦查的历史沿革 1

(二)诱惑侦查的概念 1

(三)诱惑侦查的特征 3

(四)诱惑侦查的基本分类 4

(五)诱惑侦查存在的合理与合法性 5

二、 诱惑侦查的域外调查 6

(一)美国诱惑侦查制度 6

(二)英国诱惑侦查法律规制 7

(三)日本诱惑侦查法律规制 7

(四)对我国的借鉴与启示 7

三、 我国诱惑侦查规制现状及相关问题 8

(一)我国诱惑侦查的法律发展 8

(二)我国诱惑侦查制度及其实践存在的相关问题 8

四、我国诱惑侦查制度的法律完善 10

(一)诱惑侦查应遵循的基本原则 10

(二)诱惑侦查的启动条件 10

(三)诱惑侦查的审批与监督 11

(四)对违法诱惑侦查的制裁和救济机制 12

参考文献 14

致 谢 16






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