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 2022-04-10 22:25:55  


摘 要

信息化时代,人们越来越离不开网络,互联网像水和电一样融入了人们的工作和生活。“互联网 ”越来越成为一种趋势,百度就是互联网加百科全书、世纪佳缘就是互联网加红娘、瓜子网就是互联网加二手车买卖市场、淘宝就是互联网加百货市场、支付宝就是互联网加钱包……



系统计划在windos7 64位操作系统的PC上进行开发,使用B/S模式,三层架构,ASP.NET,Sql Server数据库,Jquery,CSS Html等技术,要求数据具有一致、安全、完整、可维护的特性,界面具有功能完备、简洁大方的特点。

关键词:电影院在线订票系统, ASP.NET, SQL Server, B/S模式, 三层架构

The Online Movie Tickets Shopping System


In the information Time, people are becoming more and more inseparable from the internet, the internet likes water and electricity into people's life. The ‘Internet ’ is becoming a kind of trend, baidu is the Internet plus encyclopedia, guazi is the Internet plus used car sales market, taobao is the Internet plus department store market, alipay is the Internet plus wallet.

In recent years, the movie play a more and more important role in public entertainment, with the fast development of computer technology, artificial ticket already behind The Times. Especially for large scale modern cinema, at the same time the number of movies released more, customer flow is large, if only to use artificial means for management is likely to cause customer congestion, poor experience, also easy to get wrong. Therefore, a study of The Movie Tickets Shopping System in line with the development trend of the Internet age.

From what has been discussing above, this paper attempts to design an online Movie Tickets Shopping System based on B/S mode what is convenient for customers to buy movie tickets and for the administrator to manage the cinema, figured out box office, arranged the screening. It can be effectively overcome the phenomenon of queuing and Human error.

This system plan to use ASP.NET as a development tool, based on B/S mode, using the IIS as Server, SQL Server 2008 as the database. To realize the thought of "high cohesion and low coupling", build the entire project will use the three-tier architecture. System requirements is of friendly interface, the function complete, easy to use, etc. Data requirements have consistency, integrity, security, easy maintenance. This system plan to develop in windos7 64-bit operating system, using B/S mode, 3-tier application, ASP.NET, Sql Server database, Jquery and CSS Html technology, requiring data with a consistent, safe, complete and maintainable features. User Interface has the characteristics of the function is complete, concise and easy.

Key words:The Online Movie Tickets Shopping System, 3-tier application, ASP.NET, SQL Server, B/S Model


摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 系统设计背景 1

1.2 相关课题意义 1

1.3 国内外研究现状 2

1.4 设计目标与拟采用的实现手段 2

1.5 论文结构 4

第二章 相关开发技术简介 5

2.1 B/S模式 5

2.2 三层架构设计模式 5

2.2.1 三层架构(3-tier application)简介 5

2.2.2 三层架构的优点 6

2.3 Microsoft Visual Studio开发工具介绍 6

2.4 Microsoft SQL Server数据库 6

2.4.1 SQL Server简介 6

2.4.2 SQL Server使用的语言 7

2.5 IIS简介 7

2.6 其他技术 7

2.6.1 C#高级程序设计语言 7

2.6.2 jQuery技术 8

第三章 需求分析 9

3.1 开发目的 9

3.2 系统的总体需求分析 9

3.3 功能需求 11

3.4 性能需求 11

3.5 运行需求 11

3.6 其他需求 12

3.6.1 安全性需求: 12

3.6.2可移植性需求 12

第四章 系统设计 13

4.1 总体模块划分 13

4.2 各模块的功能详细介绍 14

4.2.1 顾客用户模块 14

4.2.2 管理员模块 14

4.3 数据库设计 15

4.3.1 数据模型的设计 15

4.3.2 数据表的设计 18

5.1 核心功能设计 23

5.2 操作界面的设计 24

5.2.1 主页设计 24

5.2.2 登录、注册和个人资料设置功能设计 25

5.2.3 电影信息模块设计 26

5.2.4 选座购票模块设计 27

5.2.5 打分评价模块设计 28

5.2.6 电影管理模块设计 29

5.2.7 用户管理模块设计 30

5.2.8 票房统计模块设计 31

第六章 网站测试及分析 32

6.1 测试目标 32

6.2 测试方案 32

6.3 各功能测试情况 32

6.4 测试结果 35

结语 36

参考文献 37

致谢 38

第一章 绪论

1.1 系统设计背景

信息化时代,人们越来越离不开网络,网络像水和电一样融入了人们的工作和生活。互联网为生活带来了方便,为经济带来了活力,为资源更合理的共享创造了平台。 “‘互联网 ’行动计划”已经成为了政府工作的方向。



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