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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 计算机类 > 计算机科学与技术 > 正文


 2022-04-10 22:21:40  


摘 要


网络在线教学是一个正在兴起的应用领域, 本文系统地介绍了网络在线教学服务平台的设计与开发过程,通过该网络服务平台教师可以为学生提供各种资料,学生可以通过下载查看学习,教师还可以在网上发布作业,学生下载作业并完成后提交给教师,教师可以批阅,并将批改意见上传,同时,学生还可以提出自己的疑问,该门课程的教师或者对这方面有了解的教师都可以解答。


本系统的开发工具为Eclipse,使用 MySQL数据库,采用基于B/S模式的Java多层应用程序架构开发实现。

关键词: 教学服务;师生;JAVA; MySQL;B/S结构

The Development of Online Teaching Service Platform


With the development of science and technology, the network environment of colleges and universities has been mature, network teaching is entering students' daily learning, the traditional teaching mode has some shortcomings such as the shortage of teaching resources and the lack of interaction between teaching and learning. Therefore, the school needs to provide students and teachers with a new teaching mode to solve these problems as far as possible.

The online teaching service platform is a rising application field. This paper systematically introduces the design and development process of online teaching service platform. Through the network service platform,teachers can provide students with a variety of course materials. Students can download the resources to view and study. Teachers can also publish homework on the Internet. Students download the work and when they finish the work they can submit it to the teacher. The teacher can consult the work, and upload the correcting opinions. Meanwhile, students can also put forward their own questions and the course of the teachers or teachers in this area with the understanding of the course can answer them.

The platform make full use of the interactive and open network, strengthen the communication between students and teachers, so it can effectively improve the teaching efficiency and quality.

This system uses Eclipse as the development tool, MySQL as the database, development and implementation of Java multi tier application architecture based on B/S mode.

Keyword: Teaching services; teachers and students; JAVA; MySQL; B/S Structure


摘要 i


目录 iii

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 系统开发简介 1

1.2开发环境 1

1.3系统设计思想 1

1.4论文结构 2

第二章 系统技术介绍 3

2.1 JAVA技术语言介绍 3

2.2 JSP和SERVLET技术介绍 3

2.3 CSS技术介绍 4

2.4 HTML技术介绍 4

2.5 分层架构 5

第三章 系统分析 7

3.1需求分析 7

3.1.1 用户需求 7

3.1.2 系统需求 7

3.2 可行性分析 8

3.2.1 技术可行性 8

3.2.2 时间可行性分析 8

3.2.3 经济可行性分析 8

3.4 系统开发计划 9

第四章 系统设计 10

4.1系统目标简介 10

4.2 系统结构 10

4.2.1 系统结构图 10

4.2.2 系统模块设计 12

4.2.3 系统用例图 12

4.2.4流程图 14

4.3 数据库设计 15

第五章 系统实现 20

5.1 功能实现 20

5.1.1 登录模块 20

5.1.2 用户信息模块 21

5.1.3 资源模块 21

5.1.4 作业模块 24

5.1.5 答疑模块 25

5.1.6 后台管理模块 27

5.2 系统测试 29

5.2.1测试的环境 29

5.2.2测试的条件 29

(1)登录模块测试 29

(2)课程添加模块测试 30

第六章 结束语 31

参考文献 32

致谢 33



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