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 2022-04-05 19:51:11  


摘 要




关键词:人脸定位 边缘检测 投影法

The Realization of Face Location System


Along with the progress of science and technology and the development of society, people have a more profound understanding of the identification of identity. Face technology is more convenient to use, basically just need a camera to collect the basic information, this kind of non-contact way is simple and easy to be accepted by people.face recognition technology is not easy to be fake, and relative to other identity recognition technology has the advantages of high precision, false recognition rate and lower rejection rate. Face image acquisition device is very common, common PC, camera and other common equipment can achieve the basic function of face recognition technology. For most applications, the face recognition function can be used without adding any large equipment, which is convenient and safe.

Face positioning system includes image acquisition, image preprocessing, feature extraction, feature matching, recognition results.

Face positioning system is realized by the image edge detection, the use of the human eye in the face of the location and the characteristics of the human eye region combined with projection method to identify the region of the human eye. Specific approach is to first on the face image using multi threshold binarization, the eyes in the face of the above, look for the area the biggest connected area (hair); combined with the projection method to obtain human about the scope of, by threshold the range of screening combined to determine the location of the human eye. Under the eyes is the positioning of the positioning of the nose: Based on binocular distance and average height calculation of the nose under the boundary of the level and the middle. According to the midpoint of the binocular distance and angle and nose count of the left and right boundaries. Re positioning of the mouth: binocular distance, height, angle can be found in the upper and lower boundaries of the mouth and the level of the point, and then use the color mask can locate the mouth. In the end, the eyes, nose and mouth of the human face are successfully realized.

Key Words: Face location edge detection projection



摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 人脸定位的选题背景和研究意义 1

1.2 人脸识别的发展 1

1.3课题的主要工作和结构安排 2

第二章 人脸识别系统的概述 3

2.1人脸识别系统的基本构成 3

2.2人脸识别系统的各个步骤 3

2.2.1图像采集 3

2.2.2图像预处理 3

2.2.3特征提取 4

2.2.3特征匹配 4

2.2.4识别结果 4

第三章 人脸区域的检测 5

3.1 色彩模型 5

3.2肤色建模和肤色区域 7

3.3人脸区域分割 7

第四章 人脸部器官定位方法的实现 10

4.1 脸部器官定位的整体设计 10

4.1.1人脸面部的几何关系 10

4.1.2人脸器官定位过程 10

4.2人脸边缘提取与检测 11

4.2.1边缘检测 11

4.3 眼睛的定位 14

4.3.1眼睛定位方法概述 14

4.2.2本文的方法 15

4.3鼻子的定位 23

4.4嘴巴定位 26

第五章 研究结果 29

5.1 测试过程与结果 29

5.2 性能分析 31

第六章 总结与展望 32

6.1 总结 32

6.2 展望 32

参考文献 34

致谢 36


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