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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 热能与动力工程 > 正文


 2022-04-01 21:32:18  


摘 要



关键词:玻璃炉窑 节能减排 过热器 蒸发器 省煤器

The design of 500t/d type glass furnace waste heat boiler system


Glass furnace is an important equipment in the production of glass,and is energy hungry.The subject in line with the general policy of the energy-saving emission reduction and waste heat recovery, abide by the industrial production and scientific research combining the principle of by of glass furnace flue gas of waste heat recovery to achieve waste heat reuse and improve the efficiency.

This project’s main task is to design a heat recovery boiler in glass kiln tail, so as to achieve the purpose of energy saving.The main contents are as follows: the first is access to relevant information, to complete the task of the opening report.Next, according to the given flue gas and steam parameters to determine the size and steam of the boiler parts.n the next heat balance calculation, we need to produce the enthalpy temperature of the flue gas and the physical parameters of the flue gas for the calculation of the query.Last is the structure and thermodynamic calculation of Superheater, economizer, evaporator.determining the heat transfer tube and fin structure size and layout. In addition, choosing the appropriate wind speed to ensure the ability to boast of flue gas ash and the pressure drop in a reasonable range. The boiler designed by this paper is a natural circulation boiler, so we must pay attention to the height of the steam drum in the design and ensure the normal operation of the boiler circulation.

Key Words:The glass furnace Energy saving Superheater economizer evaporator


摘 要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 引言 1

1.1余热回收的重要意义 1

1.2国内玻璃炉窑的节能措施 2

1.3国内外余热回收现状 4

1.4余热锅炉技术 5

1.4.1余热锅炉分类 5

1.4.2国内余热锅炉在玻璃炉窑尾气回收上的应用 7

1.4.3目前余热锅炉需要解决的主要问题 8

1.4.4余热锅炉应用在玻璃炉窑中应注意的问题 8

1.5玻璃炉窑余热锅炉发展方向 8

1.6小结 9

第二章 450t/d玻璃窑炉余热锅炉设计计算 10

2.1物性参数 10

2.1.1焓温表 10

2.1.2定压比热 11

2.1.3密度 12

2.1.4动力粘度 12

2.1.5导热系数 13

2.1.6普朗特数 13

2.2蒸发量计算 14

2.3热力计算 14

2.4过热器热力计算与结构设计 15

2.4.1翅片管计算 15

2.4.2管子排布 16

2.4.3烟气侧换热系数 17

2.4.4蒸汽侧换热系数 18

2.4.5总传热系数以及管排数 18

2.4.6压力降 18

2.5蒸发器的热力计算与结构设计 20

2.5.1翅片管设计 20

2.5.2管子排布 21

2.5.3烟气侧换热系数 22

2.5.4管内工质侧换热系数 23

2.5.5总传热系数以及管排数 23

2.5.6压力降 24

2.6省煤器的热力计算与结构设计 24

2.6.1翅片管 24

2.6.2管子排布 25

2.6.3烟气侧换热系数 26

2.6.4水侧换热系数 27

2.6.5总传热系数以及管排数 28

2.6.6压力降 28

2.7汽包结构设计 29

第三章 结语 30

第四章 参考文献 31

第五章 致谢 33

第一章 引言





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