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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 通信工程 > 正文


 2022-03-29 19:52:57  


摘 要





关键词:产品数据管理系统 数据管理 Java

Product Data Management System


With the intensifies of the market globalization competition, as well as the computer technology development and popularization ,more and more manufacturing enterprises become to use computer to manage the enterprises’ information, product development etc. However, when people use conputer to manage the enterprises’ information to increase the enterprises’ manufacture ,it exposes many problems at the same time. Although the applications of computer shorten the product circle, quicken the development step of enterprises, traditional information management tools haven’t been enough to deal with the mass data generated in the process of rapid development of enterprises. So , enterprises is badly in need of an integrated management system to manage and control all kinds of data generated in the production process.

This paper id designing a integrated management system that makes the data management as the core , be able to manage data , document and product , integrate CAD software effectively. This system is divided into three parts :data management, process management and system integration. Data management is the core among this three parts, and the data management is divided into four parts :element management , document management ,product management and project management .

This design is based on Java ,and use the popular B/S (Browser/Server) structure, use spring , springMVC , mybatis framework ,and use Maven to manage the project.The front-end of this system is developed by jsp and javaScript . And the front-end use JQuery EasyUI framework. The database select mysql ,data management tool uses navicat.The development IDE uses Eclipse.

This product data management system has many functions ,such as element management, document management , product management ,project management , user management ,system integration etc. This system is more convenient for enterprises to manage data ,shorten product circle , improve the efficiency of enterprises’ production,and is has broad market prospects.

Keywords: product data management system ; data management ; Java

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 课题研究的背景 1

1.3 课题的研究现状及意义 2

1.3.1 课题的研究现状 2

1.3.2 课题的研究意义 2

1.4 本文所做的工作 2

1.5 本文的结构 3

第二章 产品数据管理系统系统概述 4

2.1 产品数据管理系统的原理 4

2.2 产品数据管理系统的组成 4

2.2.1 数据管理 4

2.2.2 过程管理 5

2.2.3 系统集成 5

2.3 产品数据管理系统的功能 5

2.3.1 应用功能 6

2.3.2 操作功能 7

2.3.3 管理功能 7

第三章 产品数据管理系统开发环境搭建 8

3.1 产品数据管理系统开发工具 8

3.2 产品数据管理系统开发框架介绍 9

3.2.1 spring 9

3.2.2 springMVC 9

3.2.3 Mybatis 11

第四章 产品数据管理系统软件设计 12

4.1 软件需求分析 12

4.2 数据模型建立 13

4.2.1 功能分析 13

4.2.2 概念模型设计(E-R图) 15

4.2.3 数据库逻辑结构设计 16

4.3 系统前端设计 19

4.3.1 Axure介绍 19

4.3.2 前端框架介绍 21

4.4 系统后端设计 23

第五章 产品数据管理系统软件测试 26

5.1 产品数据管理系统软件测试 26

5.1.1 用户登录测试 26

5.1.2 数据管理功能测试 27

5.1.3 文件上传和下载测试 28

5.1.4 Excel文件生成测试 30

第六章 总结与展望 31

6.1 总结 31

6.2 展望 32

参考文献 33

致谢 35

附录I 软件流程图 36

附录II 系统界面截图 37


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