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 2022-03-27 18:52:58  


摘 要


Microsoft Word 是21世纪使用最广泛的文档编辑应用程序,作为一款功能强大的文字处理和排版软件,90%的用户只用到了其10%的功能,而Word VBA的使用将开发那剩余的90%的功能,实现文档的自动编辑。如此文档编辑便不再只是一个信息展现的静态平台,而是一种可以与其他文档、数据库等进行动态数据交互的一个综合信息平台。用户可以通过信息录入界面窗口实现信息的录入、选择等操作,提高工作效率。


关键字:Word, VBA,教学文档

Design and implementation of automatic editing of

teaching series based on VBA


With the rapid development of modern society, information is also an unprecedented expansion of information, how to better information management has become an important factor in promoting the development of various industries. The vigorous development of education in our country, the continuous expansion of the scale of higher education, formed in teaching activities teaching document are becoming more and more diversified, the document information of rationalization of the management and development of the teaching document management system, will effectively improve the teachers' working efficiency, promote the progress of education.

Microsoft word is the 21st century with the most extensive document management applications, as a powerful word processing and typesetting software, 90% of users only to 10% of its function, and the use of word VBA will develop the function of the remaining 90%, the realization of the document automatic editing. So the document editing is no longer just a static picture of the information expression, but can be combined with other documents, databases and other dynamic data interactive information platform. Users can enter the window for information input, selection and other operations, improve the input efficiency.

As the name of the task based on VBA teaching series automatic document editing design and implementation, using VBA technique, word powerful document processing capacity and access database are combined, realize the five function modules: information input interface design, data access, data analysis, format conversion and document information collection, the document writing more intelligent, realize the automatic generation of word document, instead of the traditional document manual input operation

Keywords: Word,VBA,teaching document

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题开发背景 1

1.2课题研究意义 2

1.3课题研究的发展现状 3

1.4 课题研究目的 4

1.5 论文的组织结构 4

第二章 课题研究的开发环境及相关技术 6

2.1 VBA语言简介 6

2.1.1 VBA的发展历史 6

2.1.2 VBA的作用 8

2.1.3 VBA常用编程概念 8

2.1.4 VBA和VB的区别 9

2.2 Microsoft Word 2013简介 10

2.2.1 Microsoft Word 2013 自定义功能区 10

第三章 系统需求分析 13

3.1功能需求分析 13

3.2各子模块的需求分析及结构 14

3.2.1信息录入界面设计 14

3.2.2数据存取模块 15

3.2.3 数据分析模块 15

3.2.4 格式转换 16

3.2.5文档信息收集 16

3.3系统的非功能需求 17

3.4运行环境 18

3.4.1软件环境 18

3.4.2硬件环境 18

第四章 系统功能设计 19

4.1 信息录入界面设计 19

4.1.1 教师文件编写 19

听课记录表 21

教学进程表与学科竞赛表 25

4.1.2 文档编辑 26

Word文档编写 26

新建试卷模板 29

4.1.3备忘录 34

4.1.4通讯录 36

4.2 数据存取 38

4.3 数据分析 39

4.4 格式转换 41

4.5 文档信息收集 42

第五章 结束语 45

致 谢 46

参考文献 47

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题开发背景


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