2022-03-09 20:50:02
摘 要
关键词:锌离子电池 纳米α-MnO2 水热法 锡掺杂改性 电化学性能
Study on the preparation and properties of Sn doped nano-MnO2 by hydrothermal method
Zinc ion battery is s new battery developed in recent years, it has high capacity, fast charge and discharge, and small environmental pollution, so the development prospects are broad. MnO2 has a variety of crystal form, different crystal structure has different performance, so the preparation method is not the same. At present, the main methods to prepare α-MnO2 are hydrothermal method, liquid phase precipitation method and low temperature solid phase method. Preparation of nanoscale, tin-doped MnO2 electrode is one of the research and development of zinc ion battery.
In this paper, nano-α-MnO2 had been prepared by hydrothermal method. With potassium permanganate and manganese sulfate monohydrate as raw materials, the effects of these factors on the microstructure of the prepared products were investigated by changing the reaction time, reaction temperature and raw material ratio. It was showed that when the ratio of potassium permanganate and manganese sulfate monohydrate was 2: 3, the reaction temperature was 160 ℃, the reaction time was 4h and CTAB was added, the microstructure and morphology of α-MnO2 were the best. The obtained sample was a rod-like structure with a diameter of about 19 nm and a length of about 834 nm. On the basis of this, SnCl2 was added to α-MnO2 to modify α-MnO2 and its electrochemical performance was studied. It was found that when the concentration of n(Mn): n(Sn) = 25:1, the specific capacity of the prepared zinc ion battery was 249mAh/g, which was 44.3% higher than that of the non-doping. After 10 cycles, the capacity retention rate was 40.3% and the discharge performance had been greatly improved.
Key words: zinc ion battery nano-α-MnO2 hydrothermal Sn doping electrochemical performance
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 二氧化锰的制备 2
1.2.1 液相沉淀法 3
1.2.2 低温固相法 3
1.2.3 溶胶-凝胶法 4
1.2.4 水热法 4
1.3纳米MnO2的掺杂改性 5
1.4 MnO2的电荷存储 5
1.5 本文研究目的及内容 6
1.5.1 研究目的 6
1.5.2 研究内容 6
第二章 实验原料、设备及方法 8
2.1 实验原料与仪器 8
2.1.1 实验原料 8
2.1.2 实验仪器 9
2.2 制备工艺与实验方法 9
2.2.1 实验原理 9
2.2.2 二氧化锰的制备 10 反应时间的影响 11 反应温度的影响 11 表面活性剂CTAB的影响 11 原料比的影响 12
2.2.3锡掺杂型纳米MnO2的制备 12
2.2.4 电极片的制作 13
2.3 表征、测试方法 13
2.3.1 X射线衍射分析(XRD) 13
2.3.2透射电镜分析(TEM) 14
2.3.3 恒流充放电测试 14
第三章 实验结果分析及讨论 15
3.1 水热法制备α-MnO2的表征 15
3.1.1 反应时间对MnO2晶体结构的影响 15
3.1.2 反应时间对MnO2形貌的影响 16
3.1.3 反应温度对MnO2晶体结构的影响 17
3.1.4 反应温度对MnO2晶体形貌的影响 19
3.1.5 加表面活性剂CTAB对MnO2晶体结构的影响 21
3.1.6 原料比对水热法制备MnO2的影响 22
3.1.7 小结 23
3.2 锡掺杂型纳米二氧化锰的表征 23
3.3 恒流充放电测试 25
第四章 结论 27
参考文献 28
致 谢 30
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景
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