2022-03-06 20:14:18
摘 要
关键词:疏浚淤泥 有机质 固化剂 强氧化剂 无侧限抗压强度
Optimization and Performance Evaluation of Dredged Material Solidification System with High Organic Content
River congestion is caused by sediment deposition, which make the river need to be cleaned. So, China produced a large number of dredged sludge every year. Conventional stacking and landfill not only cause waste of resources, but also pollute the environment.
In this paper, the characteristics of the dredged sludge with high organic content were analyzed, including the chemical composition and physical properties. The samples were prepared by curing experiment and the unconfined compressive strength of the cured samples was measured. For the characteristics of high organic content, the effects of inorganic siliceous materials, CaCl2, strong oxidants, water glass, curing agent content and sludge moisture content on the curing effect of sludge curing agent were evaluated.
Experiments showed that the selection of several additives on the curing effect of dredged sludge have a more significant impact. Mixing a small amount of CaCl2 will increase the strength of the solidified body. The best content of inorganic siliceous materials is 4%, the strong oxidant K2 is better than the strong oxidizer K1, and the best content of K2 is 2% , the dosage of water glass is 4%. From the point of view of saving material, cost and reducing the volume of solidified sludge after curing, the amount of curing agent is 20%.
Key Words: Dredged sludge; Organic matter; Hardener; Strong oxidants; Unconfined compressive strength
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 引言
1.2 河道淤泥常见处理方式
1.2.1 物理方法
1.2.2 热处理方法
1.2.3 化学方法
1.3 河道淤泥的固化难点
1.3.1 高含水率
1.3.2 细粒含量高
1.3.3 高有机质含量
1.3.4 含有污染物
1.4 固化剂种类及其作用机理
1.4.1 无机化合物类固化剂
1.4.2 有机化合物类固化剂
1.4.3 生物酶类固化剂
1.4.4 复合类固化剂
1.5 河道淤泥固化研究进展
1.5.1 国内研究进展
1.5.2 国外研究进展
1.6 研究内容及思路
第二章 实验部分 7
2.1.1 疏浚淤泥
2.1.2 工业废渣
2.1.3 水泥
2.1.4 添加剂
2.2 实验设备
2.3.1 含水率测定
2.3.3 标准试样的制备和养护
2.3.4 无侧限抗压强度性能的测定
2.3.5 微观表征
第三章 实验结果与讨论 13
3.1 引言
3.2 不同添加剂对淤泥固化性能的影响
3.2.1 CaCl2对淤泥固化性能的影响
3.2.2 无机富硅质材料对淤泥固化性能的影响
3.2.3 强氧化剂对淤泥固化性能的影响
3.2.4 水玻璃掺量
3.3 其它因素对固化剂固化效果的影响
3.3.1 固化剂掺量对固化效果的影响
3.3.2 含水率对固化效果的影响
3.4 微观分析
第四章 结论和展望 20
参考文献 22
致 谢 25
第一章 绪论
1.1 引言
1.2 河道淤泥常见处理方式
- 利用污泥和低质粉煤灰制备高强度陶粒外文翻译资料
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