2022-02-25 21:24:23
摘 要
关键词:光催化 CO2还原 钌羧酸联吡啶配合物 氮化碳
Preparation of Ru(bpy)2@g-C3N4 Photocatalyst
In this paper, complexes of bipyridine complexes of carbon nitride (C3N4) and ruthenium (II) were used to study photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide under the reaction solvent. In the process of photosynthesis of green plants, water and carbon dioxide are excited into oxygen and sugar by two-step photoexcitation of the light system. Simulating natural systems to achieve "artificial photosynthesis" is very difficult, but natural processes can provide useful strategies to develop photocatalysts for reducing carbon dioxide. In this context, the use of a wider range of visible light reduces the amount of energy required to drive each light absorption unit. The granular semiconductors show a strong ability to oxidize water under visible light, but the low selectivity of CO2 reduction is limited due to competing proton reduction. In contrast, certain metal complexes, such as Ru (II) binuclear complexes, have high photocatalytic activity under visible light CO2 reduction, resulting in high conversion numbers (~ 3000) and high selectivity, higher than semiconductors Good HCOOH. However, these metal complexes have lower oxidation capacity (the strong electron donor required to obtain a reasonable reaction rate). These two problems can be solved if the binuclear metal complexes and the semiconductors are coupled together for the reduction and oxidation components, respectively.
Key Words: Photocatalytic; CO2 Reduction; Ruthenium Carboxylic Bipyrldine Carbonyl Complexes; g-C3N4
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 前言 1
1.1光催化发展 1
1.2基于金属有机配合物制备的复合材料在光催化领域的发展 1
1.3 本文的立题依据及研究内容 3
1.3.1 本文的立题依据 3
1.3.2 本文的研究内容 4
第二章 实验部分 6
2.1 实验药品 6
2.2 实验仪器 6
2.3 Ru(bpy)2@g-C3N4光催化剂的制备 7
2.3.1 合成路线 7
2.3.2 4,4’-二甲酸-2,2’-联吡啶的合成 8
2.3.3 合成钌的联吡啶羰基配合物(-COOH) 9
2.3.4 将钌的联吡啶配合物引入酰基 9
2.3.5 合成Ru(bpy)2@g-C3N4 10
第三章 结果与讨论 11
3.1 4,4’-二甲酸-2,2’-联吡啶的分析与表征 11
3.2 钌配合物的分析与表征 11
3.3 钌的联吡啶配合物@g-C3N4的分析与表征 14
3.4 实验讨论 15
3.4.1 光催化机理 15
3.4.2 光催化CO2还原研究 15
3.4.3 复合材料光催化机理研究 16
第四章 结论 18
参考文献 19
致谢 21
第一章 前言
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