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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 电子信息工程 > 正文


 2022-02-14 20:38:43  


摘 要



关键词:单片机 串口通信 蓝牙

Bluetooth Communication Based on Single Chip Computer


With the rapid growth of electronic information technology and the widespread adoption of microprocessors, the application of intelligent measuring system with single chip microcomputer has become more and more widely. The data transmission between SCM and other communication systems has been applied to industry, scientific research, agriculture, Communication and other fields, and single-chip and other systems between the most common means of data communication is the serial communication, serial communication can use a line to send data when using another line to collect data, the use of simple and can be achieved Distance communication. This design describes a single-chip serial interface system design method, through the serial assistant and Bluetooth pairing, matching success, Bluetooth received by the serial assistant to send out the data, single-chip receiver To the data and then displayed through the LCD12864 display to verify the accuracy of serial communication.

The realization of the Bluetooth-based communication system based on the microcontroller is described in detail in this article. Part of the hardware is basically the STC89C52 microcontroller, HC-05 Bluetooth module and LCD12864 display of these three parts of the connection. Part of the software is in the keil environment to run the design. And in the final hardware to welding debugging success, the software can be used with the hardware to achieve the system to achieve the final function.

Key Words:Single chip;Serial communication;Bluetooth

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引 言 1

1.1设计简介 1

1.2 设计内容 2

1.3 论文结构 3

第二章 方案论证 5

2.1单片机选择 5

2.2 显示模块选择 5

2.3蓝牙模块选择 6

第三章 硬件设计 7

3.1 系统原理框图设计 7

3.2 系统主要元器件介绍 7

3.2.1 STC89C52单片机 7

3.2.2 LCD12864显示电路 9

3.2.3 HC-05蓝牙模块 10

3.3 系统模块电路设计 11

3.3.1单片机最小系统电路设计 11

3.3.2显示电路设计 14

3.3.3蓝牙串口电路设计 15

3.3.4手机串口模块 16

3.3.5电源电路 16

3.4硬件设计小结 16

第四章 软件设计 18

4.1主程序流程分析 18

4.2 LCD12864显示函数流程设计 19

4.3 软件设计小结 21

第五章 系统调试 23

5.1 程序生成与系统调试 23

5.2 系统制作与实物调试 24

总 结 28

参考文献 29

致 谢 31

附录 32

第一章 引 言




蓝牙技术是这几年来达成了快速成长的短途无线通讯,能够用来解决各种设备间短途的需要用线跟电缆来连接的问题。选用全世界通用的2.4GHz频段,即无线技术(Industrial(工业)、Scientific(科学) and Medical(医疗))频段,能够让蓝牙作用于整个国际的任意一个角落;选取了最常用的扩宽频谱的方式,增强了在抵抗干扰方面的性能;蓝牙模块具有成本较低、低耗能和低辐射的良好功能;拥有认证和加密功能,达到了较高的安全性;使用领域广泛,可应用于例如手机、掌上电脑、微波炉、洗衣机、电冰箱、空调等各个方面;能够允一对一和一对多点传达输送,若不止一个蓝牙设备,则可构建微微网,具有显著的网络特征。


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