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 2022-02-14 20:18:12  


摘 要





经过初步对系统的考虑,B/S模式更为适用,使用MyEclipse10.7作为开发工具。使用SSH Mybatis框架开发技术。数据库建表以及物理模型建立使用PowerDesigner。

关键词:企业进销存管理系统 B/S MVC SSH Mybatis MyEclipse10.7

Enterprise Inventory Management System


In this era of our lives, especially since the twenty-first Century. Internet technology has become a force that society can not ignore in this era. Its development has constantly changed people's outlook on life

Reading, convenient for people's various needs. Internet technology has even blended into people's lives.

This makes many enterprises passively realize that once the management mode and operation model are backward, they will lose their advantages and position in the enterprise competition, especially for small and medium enterprises.

Because of the gradual increase in the use of enterprise inventory management system, the use of software management of enterprises is a convenient way. In this paper, through the combination of Polytron Technologies Inc, a business enterprise inventory management system has been implemented.

The functions of the system include rights management functions, enterprise purchase, return, sales and commodity information additions and deletions, search function, as well as system inventory evaluation function and statistical statements of profit and loss function.

Enterprise Invoicing management system based on the B/S model, using MyEclipse10.7 as a development tool. To MVC three layer architecture development, using SSH framework development technology. Database software MySQL5.5, database table building and physical model building, using PowerDesigner, using J2EE based platform for multi-layer architecture, using ibatis dynamic database technology.

Keywords: store;MVC;Mybatis SSH;PowerDesigner15.0;MyEclipse10.7

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3进销存管理系统达到的目的和本文主要工作 2

第二章系统开发工具及技术 4

2.1 系统开发工具 4

2.1.1企业集成开发环境 4

2.1.2数据库开发工具:PowerDesigner 4

2.1.3服务器:Tomcat6.0 4

2.1.4数据库:MYSQL5.5 5

2.2 SSH Mybatis技术 5

2.3 软件工程及其面向对象机制 5

2.4 本章小结 5

第三章 需求分析与设计原则 7

3.1 进销存管理系统的总体需求分析 7

3.1.1系统功能需求 7

3.1.2安全性需求 8

3.2可行性研究 8

3.2.1 经济可行性研究 8

3.2.2技术可行性研究 9

3.3系统总体建设目标以及设计原则 9

3.3.1系统总体建设目标和设计原则 9

3.4系统功能模块图 10

3.4.1系统结构图 10

3.4.2用户登录流程图 11

3.4.3系统功能流程图 12

3.5本章小结 13

第四章 数据库 14

4.1 数据库设计 14

4.2 数据库表的设计和创建 15

4.2.1库存表(store_base) 15

4.2.2 销售信息表(store_sales_info) 17

4.2.3 商品信息表(store_productions) 18

4.2.4 供应商表(store_supply_infos) 19

4.2.5 客户表(store_customer) 20

4.3 本章小结 20

第五章 系统详细设计与实现 21

5.1 用户登录模块 21

5.2 库存管理模块 21

5.3 销售功能模块 23

5.4 供应商管理模块 26

5.5 客户管理模块 26

5.6 商品信息管理模块 27

5.7 统计报表功能模块 29

5.8 本章小结 30

第六章 总结与展望 31

6.1 总结 31

6.2 展望 31

参考文献 32

致 谢 34

第一章 绪论







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