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 2022-02-14 20:16:30  


摘 要




关键字:智能路灯 STC89C52单片机 无线传输 GSM模块

Design of Wireless Location System for Street Light Fault


Street lights are one of the hallmarks of modern civilization. As a region of the street lights are widely distributed, so once a street lamp has failed, it is not easy to find immediately, get replacement timely, thus affecting the traffic environment. It can be seen that street lamp monitoring and control system has important application value for the operation of urban traffic.

The street light fault information wireless transmission system is designed in the graduation project. The system of the street lights to the basis of single-chip, the use of photosensitive modules and wireless transceiver module as the main device, When the fixed time period at night to detect the illumination is not up to standard, to determine the street lamp failure, through the wireless module sent to the back of the microcontroller, and then the identification of the fault information through the GSM module to the management staff.

The system realizes the wireless transmission of street lamp fault information, which can guarantee the timely and accurate transmission of fault information to the management personnel in order to make timely replacement and ensure the safety of traffic. The system cost is also low, has a broad development prospects.

Keywords: Intelligent street light;STC89C52 microcontroller;Wireless transmission;GSM module

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 引言 1

1.1 设计意思及背景 1

1.2 国内外发展现状及趋势 1

1.2.1国外研究现状 1

1.2.2国内研究现状 2

1.3 设计内容及要求 2

1.4 本文主要工作 3

第二章 总体设计方案 4

2.1设计思路 4

2.1.1 路灯故障的无线定位系统工作原理 4

2.1.2 系统设计总体框图 4

2.2光敏传感器的选型 5

2.3单片机的选型 6

2.4无线传输模块的选型 7

2.5 GSM模块的选型 7

第三章 硬件设计方案 9

3.1 核心芯片说明 9

3.1.1 STC89C52功能特性 9

3.1.2 STC89C52RC引脚及功能介绍 10

3.2发送端硬件电路设计 11

3.2.1发送端框架连接介绍 11

3.2.2光敏电阻模块 12

3.3接收端硬件电路设计 13

3.3.1接收端框架连接介绍 13

3.3.2 GSM模块 13

3.4无线传输模块设计 15

3.4.1 nRF24L01引脚及功能介绍 16

3.4.2 nRF24L01工作模式 17

3.5电源模块设计 19

3.5.1单片机电源 19

3.5.2 nRF24L01电源 19

第四章 系统软件设计 21

4.1 软件开发环境 21

4.2 软件设计流程图 22

4.3 各模块程序设计 23

4.3.1无线传输模块子程序 23

4.3.2光敏电阻模块子程序 25

4.3.3 GSM模块子程序 26

第五章 调试及结果 27

5.1 测试工具 27

5.2 调试步骤 27

5.3 问题及解决方法 29

5.4 硬件调试结果 29

结语 31

参考文献 32

致谢 34

附录一 源代码 35

附录二 电路原理图 58

附录三 主要器件清单 60

附录四 实物图 61

第一章 引言


1.1 设计意思及背景




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