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 2022-02-14 20:11:16  


摘 要





关键词:理财 Java Android SQLite

Design and Implementation of Personal Financial Management System Based on Android Platform


Social progress, people's personal property income is getting higher and higher, which makes people for the quality of life requirements are getting higher and higher, but most people do not have enough time to think about how to improve the quality of life. We generally believe that the management of personal property income is to achieve high quality of life is the first step. The personal financial system has become particularly useful in situations where the costs of people's income and expenses are increasing and there is no time to manage them. The system is suitable for running on mobile devices, anytime, anywhere management of the property, to adapt to and meet the needs of users, so that people spend very little time, can be anytime, anywhere on the income, spending, etc. to store. For those who spend money, the lack of time people, personal financial management system to help them control costs and save time, to improve the quality of life have a positive effect.

However, the traditional personal property management system, many features are very powerful, but there are many redundant features. Complex interface and cumbersome operation will consume a lot of time and energy users, so personal property management system to be pursued should be convenient. Users need to invest in the analysis of the results of the data should be studied, rather than a lot of time to study the complex operation.

The phone is an essential communication and entertainment tool for everyone in everyday life. Based on the android platform to build personal property management system, is the use of relatively high penetration rate of the terminal platform for property management, easy to use and use, but also more direct and accurate management of personal property.

The paper will first introduce the background of the subject and the significance of the subject; secondly, to introduce the tools and techniques to be used in this system, that is, using the Java language, AndroidStudio development, the database is SQLite. Using the android four components, SharedPreference, MaterialDesign and some other technology; Finally, the platform will be introduced.

Keywords: Financial management; Java ; Android; SQLite

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 课题主要研究内容 1

第二章 开发工具和开发技术 2

2.1开发工具 2

2.1.1 AndroidStudio相关介绍 2

2.1.2 SQLite相关介绍 2

2.2开发技术 2

2.2.1 Android的四大组件 2

2.2.2 Fragment 4

2.2.3 SharedPreferences相关介绍 4

2.2.4 MaterialDesign相关介绍 4

2.2.5 LitePal相关介绍 5

2.2.6 运行时权限 5

2.2.7 MVC相关介绍 5

第三章 软件需求 6

3.1 需求分析 6

3.2 主要需求描述 7

3.2.1 登录注册 7

3.2.2 收支管理 7

3.2.3账户明细 8

3.2.4 固定收支管理 9

3.2.5 预算管理 9

3.2.6 年度收支汇总及月收支记录 10

第四章 总体设计 11

4.1系统总体框架 11

4.2数据库分析 11

4.3数据库详细设计 14

第五章 系统详细设计与实现 17

5.1 主界面设计 17

5.2 注册登录模块 17

5.2.1 注册 17

5.2.2 登录 19

5.3 收支模块 20

5.3.1 收支管理 20

5.3.2 收支明细 26

5.4 账户模块 26

5.4.1 账户总览 26

5.4.2 添加账户 27

5.4.3账户明细 28

5.5固定收支模块 29

5.5.1 固定收支管理 30

5.5.2 自动入账 30

5.5.3 固定收支明细管理 31

5.6预算模块 32

5.6.1 预算管理 32

5.6.2 预算报警 34

5.7 账单总结模块 35

5.7.1 报表 35

5.7.2 年度收支总结 36

5.7.3 月度收支记录 38

5.8 设置模块 39

5.8.1 用户信息修改 40

5.8.2 密码锁 41

5.8.3 记账提醒 42

5.9 其他 42

5.9.1 存钱计划 42

5.9.2 精品推荐 44

5.9.3 社区 44

第六章 结语 45

6.1 总结 45

6.2 存在问题及改进 45

6.3 展望 45

参考文献 46

致谢 47

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题背景

人们每一天都在从事经济活动,人类社会自从有了剩余产品就开始有了财产管理活动的萌芽。如今货币的存在形式多种多样,人们从事的经济活动也越发多样化。面对纷繁的经济活动,人们很难时时刻刻清楚的记住每一笔财产的分配情况,所以对财产的管理便成了每个人生活中不可或缺的部分。而移动互联网为人民提供了一种随时随地获取信息的可能,所以依托移动互联网技术,实现人们随时随地可以查询自己的资金,进行理财交易,即可以实现利用空余时间进行理财的欲望。移动互联网的快速普及得益于移动接入技术的进步之外,更离不开智能终端的普及,目前普遍使用的智能终端设备主要是基于Android和Mac OS X两大系统开发的,而采用Android系统的智能终端设备涵盖了高、中、低端用户群,市场占有率更高。基于应用的个人理财发展Android平台,可以大大提高便利性和及时性。在信息高速发展的今天,得益于连接全球的网络,世界各地的信息和数据在实时进行更新,而基于Android系统的个人理财应用,借助于高速的移动互联网,除了满足人们对资金的查询、转账和理财产品的买入卖出外,还可以收集相关数据,并对数据进行统一管理和分析,帮助人们做出合理的财务决策。 

1. 2 课题主要研究内容


第二章 开发工具和开发技术

系统的开发拟使用Android Studio SQLite开发环境。为了能实现较好的人机交互,提高系统的效率,拟采用MVC框架。页面多采用使用Material Design界面风格,干净的排版和简单的布局,给用户较好的视觉体验。


2.1.1 AndroidStudio相关介绍

AndroidStudio 是一个Android集成开发工具,基于IntelliJ IDEA。类似 Eclipse ADT,Android Studio 提供了集成的 Android 开发工具用于开发和调试。在IDEA的基础上,Android提供基于Gradle的构建支持;Android专属的重构和快速修复;提示工具以捕获性能、可用性、版本兼容性等问题;支持Proguard和应用签名;基于模板的向导来生成常用的Android应用设计和组件;功能强大的布局编辑器,可以让你拖拽UI控件并进行效果预览。

2.1.2 SQLite相关介绍



2.2.1 Android的四大组件


1. Activity(活动)


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