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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 数学与应用数学 > 正文


 2022-02-02 22:18:49  


摘 要




关键词:本科生毕业 城市选择 主成分分析

The analysis of the choice of the undergraduates

in the employment City


In this era, our country's economic development is so rapid, people's living standards and quality of life are also constantly improving, but the economic development is extremely uneven, the regional economic advantages are obvious, the gap between the rich and the poor is getting more and more serious, the difficulty of employment is disturbing every university graduate.

This topic first makes statistics on the selection of College Students' employment cities and the main factors that affect them, sums up the proportion of the selection of various influencing factors for the employment location of the graduates, and puts forward their own ideas. This subject, through the way of issuing questionnaires on the network and on the spot, I screened out the effective questionnaire. Through the analysis, sorting and statistics of these results, I got the data of College Students' employment selection in the city. Through these real reliable data, the law of principal component analysis was used to obtain the law of College Students' employment selection in the city. And the reasons for it, and then from the point of view of the government, put forward relevant policy recommendations, the urban selection behavior of graduates employment in more detailed analysis, in order to provide reference for the formulation of employment strategies for regional graduates.

Through the research and analysis, the final article solved three problems: (1) the urban factors accounted for 47% of the college students' career selection; (2) new front-line cities like Suzhou and Nanjing are more likely to attract college students' life and employment; (3) the principle of choosing the city for College Students and the long-term economic development of our country are complementary. Because of the potential development ability and economic growth rate of the city, college students have chosen the city, and the city is becoming more and more rapid because of the arrival of more talents.

Keywords: undergraduate graduate,city choice,principal component analysis


摘 要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

第一章 引言 1

1.1 研究目的及意义 1

1.2 研究相关背景及现实状况 1

1.3国内外研究现状 2

第二章 问题的提出及解决思路 4

2.1 通过问卷调查的方式分析整理数据 4

2.1.1 问卷调查 4

2.1.2 调查结果 5

2.2分析的结果 6

2.2.1城市因素在大学生择业时占了多大比重 6

2.2.2什么样的城市更容易吸引大学生去就业生活 8

2.2.3大学生存在的普遍城市选择原则是否对我国的长远经济发展产生影响 9

第三章 运用SAS进行的数据分析 10

3.1 方法说明与介绍 10

3.1.1主成分分析 10

3.1.2 符合说明 12

3.2 方法的实施及结果的分析 13

第四章 实证分析的结论说明 15

4.1大学生就业选择城市的现实意义 15

4.2 大学生就业选择城市趋势及产生的原因 16

4.2.1大学生就业选择城市的趋势 16

4.2.2产生的原因 16

第五章 建议和展望 19

5.1建议 19

5.1.1 应届毕业生个人 19

5.1.2 高校 19

5.1.3 政府和国家 19

5.2研究的局限性和展望 19

参考文献 21

致 谢 22


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