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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2022-01-30 21:06:24  


摘 要


关键词 :抽象危险犯 正当性 刑法谦抑性

Research on the Distinctive Problems of Abstract Dangerous Criminals


The most important influence of the risk society theory on criminal legislation is that the criminal law shifts from punishment of actual offenses and crimes to the emphasis on dangerous offenders. Abstract dangerous offenders have therefore gradually become the darling of legislators, but their constituent elements do not infringe upon legal interests or pose specific risks. Making corresponding provisions will inevitably make the traditional criminal law order suffer a greater impact. Based on what kind of reason, there is a great deal of controversy over the criminal law system of pure behavior. Abstract dangerous criminals are different from specific dangerous criminals and behavioral offenders in that their legal interests are protected more forward and they are more actively involved in the control of behavioral patterns and social development. However, this does not mean that the establishment of abstract dangerous criminals is natural and justified. Only if pre-positioning does not infringe on the individual's legitimate rights, the establishment of abstract dangerous offenders is justified. The necessity of the existence of an abstract dangerous criminal lies in the need to protect institutional interests. The criminal law prescribes protection in advance to prevent potential risks. The purely functional criminal law and the Frankfurt School’s claims are too one-sided. Abstract dangerous criminals as a typical form of risk criminal law does not violate the principle of modesty, but it is necessary to reasonably limit the abstract dangerous criminal legislation, and its legitimacy also requires specific steps to test.

Key words:Abstract dangerous offenders; Justification; Modesty in criminal law

目 录

中文摘要 I

英文摘要 II

  1. 问题的提出 1
  2. 抽象危险犯的概念及界定 3

(一)抽象危险犯的概念 3

(二)抽象危险犯与具体危险犯 3

(三)抽象危险犯与行为犯 4

三、对抽象危险犯正当性的争论 6

(一)对抽象危险犯的批判 6

(二)支持派的正当性论证 7

(三)观点评析 7

四、抽象危险犯与刑法谦抑 9

(一)抽象危险犯的谦抑性机制 9

(二)对抽象危险犯正当性的检验及限制 10

结语 13

参考文献 15

致谢 16





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