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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 金属材料工程 > 正文


 2022-01-30 20:59:25  


摘 要

氟化铁因具有比容量高、成本低、稳定性好等优点而作为新型锂离子电池正极材料被科学家们深入研究,受到广大研究者的关注,这将使氟化铁迎来广阔的发展前景。但目前氟化铁主要是通过水热法等化学法制备,存在着均匀性差、安全性较差等问题,制备工艺急需改善。本论文探讨采用阳极电解法制备氟化铁前驱体,经加热分解制备FeF3·(H2O)0.33材料,并通过研究电解液主盐浓度、电解温度以及电解电流密度等因素,结合了XRD、粒度分析,初步探讨了电解工艺与 (NH4)3FeF6成分、结构、颗粒大小的关系,研究得到:

在前驱体(NH4)3FeF6的制备研究中,通过搭建电解装置,在HF/NH4F电解液中以碳钢作为阳极,石墨作为阴极可以制备出微米级别的(NH4)3FeF6材料,最佳的工艺为:NH4F/H2O=25g/300mL、HF=15mL、温度为30℃、电流密度为10A/dm2。随着电解液中氟化铵浓度的增加导致电解产物成核速率增加,(NH4)3FeF6颗粒尺寸增大。随着电解温度的升高,电流效率增加;颗粒的聚集度增加,晶粒尺寸变大;温度对(NH4)3FeF6的结晶度影响较小。随着电流密度的增加,电流效率增加;铁离子析出的过电位增加,晶粒尺寸变小。 (NH4)3FeF6热分解为FeF3·(H2O)0.33的工艺条件为:氩气气氛保护,烧结温度为260℃,保温时间为2h,得到形貌均匀,结晶度良好的FeF3(H2O)0.33

关键词:锂离子电池 氟化铁 电解 (NH4)3FeF6

Preparation of nano ferric fluoride by electrolysis method in ammonium fluoride system


Because of its high specific capacity, low cost, and good stability, ferric fluoride has been studied by scientists as a cathode material for new lithium-ion batteries and has attracted the attention of researchers. This will make ferric fluoride usher in a bright future. However, at present, iron fluoride is mainly prepared by a hydrothermal method and other chemical methods, and there are problems such as poor uniformity and poor safety, and the preparation process needs to be improved. This paper discusses the preparation of iron fluoride precursors using anodic electrolysis. The precursor of FeF3·(H2O)0.33 was then prepared by thermal decomposition. The relationship between the electrolysis process and the composition, structure, morphology and particle size of the (NH4)3FeF6 was discussed by studying the factors such as electrolyte concentration, current density and temperature, combined with modern analytical techniques such as XRD and particle size analysis.

The (NH4)3FeF6 material can be prepared by using carbon steel as the anode and graphite as the cathode in the NH4F electrolyte. The optimum process is HF/H2O=25g/300mL, HF=15mL, the temperature is 50℃ and the current density is 10A/dm2.As the concentration of ammonium fluoride in the electrolyte increases, the nucleation rate of the electrolysis product increases, and the (NH4)3FeF6 particle size increases.With the increase of the electrolysis temperature, the current efficiency increases; the degree of aggregation of the particles increases and the grain size increases; the temperature has little effect on the crystallinity of (NH4)3FeF6.With the increase of the current density, the current efficiency increases; the overpotential of iron ion precipitation increases and the grain size decreases.The determination of the thermal decomposition of (NH4)3FeF6 to FeF3·(H2O)0.33 is as follows: Argon atmosphere protection, sintering temperature is 260 °C, holding time is 2h, FeF3·(H2O)0.33 with uniform morphology and good crystallinity is obtained.

Key Words: Li-ion battery; Electrolysis; (NH4)3FeF6; Ferric fluoride

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 文献综述 1

1.1锂离子电池的现状 1

1.2锂离子电池的原理 2

1.3锂离子电池正极材料的研究进展 3

1.4氟化物正极材料的简介 3

1.5氟化铁制备技术的研究进展 5

1.6本课题研究意义及研究内容 8

第二章 实验 9

2.1 实验药品及仪器 9

2.1.1主要实验药品 9

2.1.2 主要实验仪器 9

2.2实验 10

2.3影响因素的研究 11

2.4结构与性能表征 12

2.4.1 晶体结构分析 12

2.4.2 粒度分析 12

2.4.3 热重分析 12

第三章 结果分析与讨论 13

3.1前驱体制备工艺研究 13

3.1.1氟化铵浓度的影响 14

3.1.2温度的影响 16

3.1.3电流密度的影响 19

3.2烧结实验研究 22

3.2.1 TG分析 22

3.2.2烧结产物物相分析 24

第四章 结论与展望 26

参考文献 27

致谢 30

第一章 文献综述



目前来看,商业上使用的锂离子电池具有一下优势:(1)较高的工作电压,普遍为3.6V;(2)能量密度高于普通电池;(3)充电放电的时机不会影响电池的容量;(4)对环境无影响;(5)重量轻且占用空间小,易于安装在其他设备上;(6)循环使用时间久;(7)自放电小;(8)工作温度范围宽,能够在-25~45 ℃的温度下使用。另外,具有最高密度的锂金属聚合物电池的安全性问题未能得到解决,而没有能够应用到实际生活中,这表明锂离子电池仍然值得科研人员深入开展工作以取得突破。


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