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 2022-01-26 12:08:54  


摘 要

殡葬空间与城市空间互动中从城市中心向郊区迁移,居民对邻避空间的风险认知随之发生变化。2013年安德门石子岗殡仪馆搬迁至西天寺墓园,通过研究在殡葬设施搬迁后,人们对殡葬设施的风险认知,为政府邻避设施规划提出建议。现如今人们的生活水平、教育程度、收入水平都有所提高,但是仍有NIMBY(Not in My Backyard)效应存在。通过在石子岗殡仪馆旧址附近发放问卷,回收有效问卷281份,借助SPSS 20.0对数据进行描述性统计分析、EFA、信度和效度分析,对居民的石子岗殡仪馆旧址接受度、政府信任做线性回归分析。在此基础上借助克里金插值法分析距离对风险认知的影响,并且分析在邻避空间与公共空间互动中,通过房价表征来分析时空变化对风险认知的影响。结果表明:居民对殡葬空间的变迁感知较低,与年龄成正比;男性、年长的人对公共参与意愿度更高;年龄越大、收入越低,风险感知越强;政府选址越公开,民众越满意结果;殡仪馆旧址对附近房价的升高幅度有所影响;距离越近,居民的风险感知越强烈。

关键词:邻避空间 风险认知 Spss 克里金插值 线性回归

Research on Public Risk Cognition in Interaction between Neighborhood and Space


In the interaction between the funeral space and the urban space, the funeral space migrates from the city center to the suburbs, so residents' risk perception of NIMBY space changes accordingly. In 2013, Shizigang funeral home was relocated to Xitian Temple Cemetery. In order to make suggestions for the government's NIMBY facility planning, the author studies people's risk perception of funeral and interment facilities after the relocation of funeral and interment facilities. Nowadays, people's living standard, education level and income level have been improved, but there is still NIMBY (Not in My Backyard) effect. By distributing questionnaires near the former site of Shizigang funeral home, 281 valid questionnaires were collected. Descriptive statistical analysis, EFA, reliability and validity analysis is carried out with SPSS 20.0. Linear regression analysis is made on residents' acceptance of the former site of Shizigang funeral home and government trust. On this basis, Kriging interpolation method is used to analyze the influence of distance on risk cognition. In the interaction between NIMBY space and public space, the impact of space-time changes on risk perception is analyzed through the representation of house prices. The results show that residents have a lower perception of changes in funeral space, which is proportional to their age; males and older people have higher willingness to participate in public affairs; the older the age, the lower the income, the stronger the risk perception; The more open the government is, the more satisfied the results are; The former funeral home site has an impact on the rise of housing prices nearby; The closer the distance, the stronger the residents' risk perception.

Key Words:Neighboring space; Risk perception; Spss; Kriging interpolation;Linear regression


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 选题意义 1

1.2.1 理论意义 1

1.2.2 实践意义 1

1.3 研究目标 2

1.4技术路线 2

第二章 理论基础与技术方法 4

2.1 邻避相关概念 4

2.1.1 邻避效应 4

2.1.2 风险认知 4

2.1.3 邻避空间 4

2.2 国内外研究进展 4

2.2.1 国内进展 4

2.2.2 国外进展 5

2.3 SPSS统计分析和GIS空间分析 6

2.3.1 双变量分析 6

2.3.2 线性回归分析 6

2.3.3 克里金插值 6

第三章 研究设计 7

3.1案例地介绍 7

3.2数据获取 8

3.3问卷设计与回收 9

第四章 公众对殡葬空间的风险认知分析 10

4.1 问卷信度分析 10

4.2 样本属性特征 11

4.3 探索性因子分析 11

4.4 描述性分析 14

4.4.1公众对邻避设施认知 14

4.4.2公众对殡葬设施搬迁认知 15

4.4.3公众对设施补偿接受意愿 16

4.4.4公众对殡仪馆旧址的接受度 18

4.4.5公众对政府的信任 18

4.4.6公众对殡葬设施市场化的接受度 19

4.4.7公众参与选址意愿度 20

4.5 交叉分析 20

4.5.1政府信任影响因素 20

4.5.2性别对政府信任的影响 21

4.5.3年龄对政府信任的影响 22

4.5.4教育水平对政府信任的影响 23

4.5.5收入对政府信任的影响 24

4.6 Pearson系数分析个人因素对测量变量的影响 25

4.7 线性回归分析 27

4.7.1 线性回归意义 27

4.7.2 满意政府选址结果回归分析 27

4.7.3 旧址居住意愿线性回归分析 27

第五章 风险认知时空变化分析 29

5.1 邻避空间安全距离 29

5.1.1公众对邻避设施的心理安全距离 29

5.1.2 距离对风险认知影响 29

5.2邻避空间变迁与风险认知时间变化研究 30

5.2.1房价表征的邻避效应时间变化 30

5.2.2房价表征的邻避空间变迁影响实证研究 31

第六章 总结与展望 34

6.1论文总结 34

6.2不足与展望 35

参考文献 36

致谢 38


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