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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2022-01-23 20:39:31  


摘 要





关键词:余热锅炉 焚烧炉 热管 蒸发器

Design of Waste Heat Boiler for 30000 SCMH Exhaust Gas Incinerator


Energy is an important material basis for human survival and social progress. Since China's reform and opening up, it has been able to achieve high-speed economic growth that is attracting attention in the world today. Energy support is an important factor. However, with the increasing population density and the increasing technological advancement in recent years, resulting in the intense consumption of energy, the energy on the earth is decreasing at a terrible rate. Saving

energy, improving energy efficiency in the production process and developing new energy-saving technologies have become the main topics for countries to study energy utilization technologies.

In industrial production, after the fuel is incinerated by the incinerator, the temperature of the flue gas is about 850 ° C. Direct discharge will cause serious pollution and waste a lot of heat. Based on this background, the “Design of waste heat boiler for 30000 standard exhaust gas incinerator” is mainly used to recover the waste heat of the flue gas at the outlet of the incinerator (850 ° C), and use it to produce saturated steam. The finned tube evaporator is designed to complete the waste heat recovery process, achieving the goal of energy saving, emission reduction and sustainable development.

During the design, the flue gas is cooled from 450 ° C to 260 ° C in the evaporator, and this part of the heat evaporates the water into saturated steam to achieve the purpose of waste heat recovery and utilization. The finned tube evaporator transfers heat through the heat pipe and transfers the heat of the flue gas to the feed water, which can effectively increase the temperature of the pipe wall, avoid the acid dew point corrosion of the flue gas, and has high heat transfer efficiency, low flow resistance and low cost for maintenance. Etc.

In this design, the heat transfer amount is calculated by the heat balance equation and the known conditions (flow, flue gas inlet and outlet temperature, etc.), and the fin tube and heat pipe of appropriate specifications are selected to determine the total heat transfer coefficient and the pressure drop of the flue gas. Arrange the heat pipes reasonably. Under the conditions of satisfying the requirements of flue gas self-cleaning ash and pressure drop, the design calculation of the structure is carried out, and the general structure drawing of the system and the detailed drawings of the main equipment are designed. The heat pipe is placed vertically, and it is necessary to design the sealing structure between the equipment and the equipment, the repair and replacement of the equipment components, the bearing capacity of the equipment shell and the material strength.

Key Words: Waste heat boiler; Incinerator; Heat pipe; Evaporator

目 录

摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1背景 1

1.2余热锅炉简介 1

1.3余热锅炉的工作原理及分类 1

1.4余热锅炉的特点 2

1.5余热锅炉国内外研究现状 2

1.6小结 3

第二章 30000标方废气焚烧炉余热锅炉设计 4

2.1课题要求 4

2.2废气焚烧炉余热锅炉设计中需注意的问题 4

2.3热力计算需要注意的问题 5

2.4设计图纸需注意的问题 5

第三章 热力计算与结构设计 6

3.1原始的参数 6

3.2燃烧计算 6

3.2.1计算每标方废气燃烧所需的理论空气量与实际空气量 6

3.2.2计算理论烟气量与实际烟气量(假定燃烧一标方的废气) 7

3.3理论燃烧温度计算 8

3.4热平衡计算 10

3.5结构设计计算 12

3.5.1热管的选择 12

3.5.2蒸发器的设计 13

3.6校核计算 18

3.7图纸设计 20

第四章 总结与展望 21

4.1总结 21

4.2展望 21

参考文献 23

致谢 25

第一章 绪论


近年来工业的发展使得地球上的不可再生能源越来越少,但人类却需要大量的能源。因此,世界各国都在寻求可再生能源以求可持续发展。虽然短时间内人类还不会面临严峻的能源危机,但未雨绸缪,时不在早,中国也紧随时代潮流,发布了《节能减排综合性工作方案》、《可再生能源中长期发展规划》等工作规划,既要开源,又要节流,在大力发展可再生能源的同时,紧抓节能减排工作。在“十一五”期间,我国国内生产的总能耗和CO2排放量分别下降百分之十六和百分之十七,未来我国节能减排的任务更加艰巨[1]。环境污染现在时有存在,此类行为一向屡禁不止,即便在法律中都有条说明允许一定程度的环境污染,只要企业依法或依标准排放,就具有合法性。诸多企业为了减少环境污染,通常会将烟气进行高温焚烧,使之变为CO2 、NOX 、H2O等物质。而焚烧炉排放的气体温度高达850 ℃,可以大量回收余热,循环利用资源[2]。因此余热锅炉广受欢迎,为企业嬴得了额外利润,在市场中前景广阔。


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