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 2022-01-21 22:20:10  


摘 要






关键词:JavaWeb 网络购物 闲置物品 MySQL SpringMVC

The design and implemention of campus trading mall database based on JavaWeb


Under the booming momentum of the computer technology, some simple online shopping demands have gradually evolved into idle-item transactions between students in the university.

Because of this context, the development of this campus commodity trading mall has established a real-time communication bridge between people who wants to sell idle-item and pursues affordable goods. Through this system, you would see all kinds of items on the mall ,you will understand whether it is new or old and the means of transaction.

The system adopts SpringMVC as a framework, and the programming language is mainly JSP. The technology used for data transmission is AJAX, and the data exchange format is Json.The database system requires the input of passwords, and the method of the administrator’s account , what is used to ensure data security.

This article begins with the demand analysis, mainly elaborates the key technology , structure design and database implementation. Project planning is based on the definition of the system requirements, and the ER diagram is drawn to improve the system architecture design. Finally, the database is built by navicat and the connection with the Java program is completed.

So far, the system has realized the basic functions, in addition,we have left some improvements in the program and database design, such as online payment, mailbox verification and so on,which can improve the system.

Key wods: JavaWeb;Network shopping; idle item;MySQL;SpringMVC


第一章 引言 1

1.1选题依据 1

1.2 理论和实践意义 1

1.3 研究现状 2

1.4 研究方法和手段 2

1.5 可行性分析 2

1.5.1 经济可行性 2

1.5.2技术可行性 2

1.5.3运行可行性 3

1.5.4法律可行性 3

1.6 系统的设计原则 3

1.6.1系统安全性 3

1.6.2易用性 3

1.6.3扩展性 3

1.6.4可靠性 3

1.6.5经济效益 4

1.7 系统的非功能需求 4

1.7.1硬件要求 4

1.7.2完整性需求 4

1.7.3数据精度要求 4

1.7.4支持软件 4

第二章 需求分析 5

2.1信息需求分析 5

2.2 功能需求分析 5

第三章 项目开发相关技术介绍 7

3.1 JSP技术简介 7

3.2 AJAX技术 7

3.3 MySQL数据库 8

3.4 SSH框架技术 8

3.5 ORM和MyBatis 10

第四章 结构设计 11

4.1 总体设计 11

4.2 概念结构设计 12

4.3逻辑结构设计 17

4.4 物理结构设计 20

4.5 安全保密设计 21

第五章 数据库实现 22

5.1 服务器端的建立 22

5.2Java数据库连接 23

5.2.1JDBC简介 23

第六章 具体实现 25

6.1 登录模块的设计与实现 25

6.2 商品购买功能模块的设计 26

结论 29

参考文献 30

致谢 31

第一章 引言


经济全球化的进程不断推进,基于互联网应用产生的经济效益不断上升,人们的生活条件也随之改善,网上购物这一消费行为已经逐渐变得普遍起来,甚至在成为一种潮流。校园内部的闲置物品交易这一细分的门类应运而生,本商品购物系统就是在此形势下运用JSP语言实现的一个专门针对同学之间乃至师生之间的闲置物品交易的网上商城,实现了不出校园就能购买到令人满意的商品这一目的,降低了物流成本的同时有效的减少了浪费现象。本项目小组成员在对于现有的网络购物系统进行比对研究之后,采用基于B/S 模式,SpringMVC框架的开发模式开发了这个专门以闲置物品主人以及想要购买二手商品的群体为用户的电子商务网站。我们运用了MyBatis这一技术以及MySQL数据库系统,足以使得该数据库在保证安全性与可靠性的同时,又不缺乏可扩展性,随时具备添加数据与功能的能力。网站性能稳定,经过多次测试与改进之后,使得网站性能更加优良。


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