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 2022-01-21 21:28:45  


摘 要


本次项目设计的是一个基于Android平台设计的音乐app,利用Android平台强大的功能实现我们对此app的要求。本论文从Android软件开发的背景谈起,介绍了开发目的和环境,怎样做出好的软件吸引眼球,符合广大消费者对APP的心理要求,或是更进一步带给大家眼前一亮的感觉,获得使用者的称赞和推荐,是APP开发最需要考虑到的问题。然后介绍我们使用的开发工具Android Studio的安装使用,并对Android的系统组件做大概描述,最后是实现各个功能的详细代码。




Society is developing, science and technology are progressing, people's demand for spiritual civilization is also rising. Mechanically busy work day after day is numbness. Music has become the most needed and convenient way for people to relax and decompress themselves after work. Comparing with old music player which we are familiar, the advantages of mobile music app are obvious, and be praised by the broad audience. Nowadays, mobile devices are becoming more and more perfect, indoor and outdoor wireless network coverage, listening to music on mobile phones is a requirement of the times. Our traditional way of listening to music on mobile phones is copying music from a computer over a data line. This method is very cumbersome, there are not only time and space constraints, but also format conversion, is to be time-consuming. So realization of Mobile Online Listening to Music and easy for users to search and download and manage their own songs is the general trend. Based on this demand, we plan to make such a music app, the aim is to bring users a good experience.

The design of this project is a music app based on Android platform, using the powerful functions of Android platform to realize our requirements for this app. This paper starts with the background of Android software development, it introduce the purpose and environment of development, how to make good software to attract people’s eyes, in line with the requirements of consumers for APP, or taking it a step further and give you a sense of brightness in front of your eyes, getting praise and recommendation from users, these are the most important issues to consider in the development of APP. Then we introduce the installation of Android Studio, the development tool we used, and also give an overview of Android's system components. Finally, the detailed code for each function is implemented.

In order to achieve this goal, we will step by step, starting with Design Concept, specific functions are discussed in detail, from shallow to deep, overall consideration, efforts to improve the project.

Key words: Android、Music player、Mobile termin

目 录

第一章 绪论 2

1.1 项目开发背景 2

1.2 项目开发现状 3

1.3 项目开发目的 4

1.4 本文主要介绍内容 5

第二章 相关技术 6

2.1 开发工具 6

2.2 Android系统简介 6

2.2.1 Android系统发展 6

2.2.2 Android系统架构 6

2.3 Android 开发环境 9

第三章 系统分析 15

3.1 可行性分析 15

3.1.1 技术可行性分析 15

3.1.2 操作可行性分析 15

3.1.3 社会可行性分析 15

3.1.4 经济可行性分析 15

3.2 需求分析 16

第四章 移动端设计实现 17

4.1 app系统架构图 17

4.2 登录功能实现 17

4.2.1 登录功能描述 17

4.2.2 登录代码实现 17

4.2.3 注册代码实现 18

4.3 歌曲搜索功能实现 20

4.4 个性推荐功能实现 20

4.5 下载功能实现 22

4.6 播放列表功能实现 23

4.7 歌单管理 24

4.8 客户端界面截图 28

第五章 总结 31

致 谢 33

参考文献 34

第一章 绪论



当今的信息时代,高科技和高新技术与人民生活紧密结合在一起。移动端技术发展至今,手机已经是与人们的生活密不可分,为什么不开发手机端的音乐APP来造福大众呢?正是因为这样的趋势,手机音乐APP如雨后春笋般大量问世,其中以“网易云音乐”、“QQ音乐”、 “酷我音乐”等较为出名,他们都有自己独特的风格已经完善的用户服务,所以可以在音乐APP市场上占据一席之地。当然也有一些缺乏足够资金支持的APP,没有资金意味着首先很多歌曲的版权就没法拥有,这样一下就失去了大量用户,但是有些开发者剑走偏锋,在APP中加入电台广播的功能,或者主打相声段子和评书讲座等招牌,成本不高却也能吸引特定的听众,这也是一种思路。因为过去是PC端音乐开发者,所以在向移动端转型时这些厂商都有自己的技术优势和受众基数优势,而新兴的音乐APP软件则需要从零开始开发创新,并通过不断宣传提高知名度,只有这样才能在大佬林立的音乐APP市场中分一杯羹。


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