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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2022-01-19 19:49:35  


摘 要


关键词:政府信息公开 诉讼 缠讼

Study on the Countermeasures of Vexatious Suit in Government Information Disclosure


As a product of the development of modern administrative law, the government information disclosure system plays a very crucial part in protecting citizens' right to know and creating a new type of government governance system. Government information disclosure cases account for a large proportion of the entire litigation system. At the same time, there are some lawsuits that are unreasonable. Unreasonable litigation in government information disclosure has become a practical problem of administrative law enforcement and administrative trials due to lack of legal norms, and should be restricted by law. The unreasonable phenomenon of government information disclosure not only wastes public resources, but also alienates the government information disclosure system and weakens the judicial system. There is an urgent need to limit unreasonable litigation in government information disclosure. Based on some theories, this text mainly analyses the status, causes and necessity of legislative regulation of vexatious suit in government information disclosure, and gives some countermeasures to resolve the vexatious suit in government information disclosure at last.

Key Words: Government information disclosure; lawsuit; Vexatious suit

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

一、引言 1

二、政府信息公开缠讼理论概述 3

(一)相关概念及含义界定 3

(二)我国政府信息公开诉讼发展历程 3

(三)规制政府信息公开缠讼的必要性 4

1.防止政府信息公开制度异化 4

2.防止公共资源的浪费 4

3.引导公民理性行使权力 5

4.践行现代法治理念的内在要求 5

三、我国政府信息公开缠讼现状及原因 7

(一)我国政府信息公开缠讼现状 7

1.宏观层面 7

2.微观层面 8

(二)我国政府信息公开缠讼现象主要原因 9

1.受案门槛低 9

2.政府信息主动公开力度不足 10

3.行政争议中公民权利保护不足 11

4.政府信息公开缠讼缺乏惩戒规定 11

四、规制我国政府信息公开缠讼现象的路径 12

(一)提高政府信息公开缠讼案件受案门槛 12

(二)拓展政府信息主动公开范围与力度 12

(三)拓展公民权利救济途径 12

(四)加强政府信息公开缠讼惩戒制度建设 13

参考文献 14





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