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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2022-01-17 20:50:18  


摘 要


关键词:夫妻约定财产制 发展状况 现存问题 立法建议

An overview on Marital Agreed Property System in China


As a kind of Marital Property System in China, the Marital Agreed Property System has been widely used in practice. However, China has not paid enough attention to this system and relevant legislation is relatively few, so there are some questions in the application process. In order to apply this system better and also for the future of this system, after analyzing its legislative evolution and current situation of this system in China, the article sums up six problems in this system in China. After analyzing and summarizing a mass of literature materials and the relevant legislation from various countries and regions, the article finds the reasons of the six problem in the Marital Agreed Property System and puts forward the corresponding solution to these problems. After the study, the article founds that although our country already has relevant legislation on the Marital Agreed Property System, the relevant legislation should be further refined, and the Marital Agreed Property System has not yet formed a perfect system, so it is difficult to apply smoothly in practice. In view of this, China should speed up the legislation work on the Marital Agreed Property System and build a complete system of Marital Agreed Property System gradually.

Key Words: Marital Agreed Property System; State of development; Existing problems; Legislative suggestions

目 录

中文摘要 Ⅰ


引言 1

一、 我国夫妻约定财产制的概述 1

(一)夫妻约定财产制的基本内容 1

1.夫妻财产约定的主体 1

2.夫妻财产约定的范围和种类 1

3.夫妻财产约定的形式 1

4.夫妻财产约定的时间 2

(二)夫妻约定财产制的特点 2

1.体现意思自治原则 2

2.附随身份性 2

3.肯定家务劳动的价值 2

4.要式性 2

(三)我国夫妻约定财产制的效力 3

1.具有优先适用效力 3

2.对夫妻双方具有约束力 3

3.具有对抗第三人的效力 3

二、我国夫妻约定财产制的发展状况 3

(一)我国夫妻约定财产制的立法沿革 3

(二)我国夫妻约定财产制存在的问题 4

1.缺乏公示程序 4

2.因夫妻财产约定所产生的物权变动的依据不明确 5

3.夫妻间约定行为与赠与行为的混淆 6

4.缺乏变更、撤销程序 7

5.缺乏体系性规定 7

6.夫妻财产约定的主体的缔约能力不明确 8

三、对我国夫妻约定财产制的立法建议 8

(一)完善公示制度 8

(二)明确夫妻约定财产制所产生的物权变动的依据 9

(三)完善变更、撤销程序 9

(四)增加总则性规定 9

(五)增加代理制度 10

(六)明确将登记作为对抗第三人的条件 10

结语 11

参考文献 12

致谢 13




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