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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2022-01-17 20:50:00  


摘 要


关键词 :夫妻 离婚损害赔偿 婚侵权 民事责任


Today, with the deepening of legal construction, the equal status of husband and wife is not only what the citizens hope, but also the needs of family life and society. As one of the highlights of the amendment to the marriage law in 2001, the system of divorce damage compensation bears the expectation of many people and plays an important role. However, with the development of society, there are more and more husband and wife tort in marriage, which has caused great harm to one spouse. If at this time China still only applies the divorce damage compensation, such relief is far from enough. Therefore, China must establish civil liability for tort within marriage to improve China's marriage law and protect the rights and interests of spouses. Therefore, this paper tries to protect the legitimate rights and interests between spouses and promote the stability of marriage and family and the harmony of society by establishing the civil liability system of tort within marriage. Under the influence of moral norms, our country guarantees it with the force of law, which can protect the rights and interests of the parties to marriage more comprehensively. We will establish civil liability for tort within marriage, improve China's marriage law, and strengthen legal construction. On this basis, the definition of the right of spouse and the improvement of the property system of husband and wife will provide a basis for the establishment of civil tort within marriage.

Key words: husband and wife, divorce damage compensation, civil liability for tort within marriage

目 录

中文摘要 I

英文摘要 II

一、 离婚损害制度概述 1

(一)离婚损害赔偿制度的概念 1

(二)离婚损害赔偿的性质探析 1

(三)离婚损害赔偿的构成要件 2

二、婚内侵权民事责任的提出 4

(一) 离婚损害赔偿制度的局限性 4

1、离婚损害赔偿的范围过窄 4

2、以离婚为损害赔偿的前提 4

3、离婚损害赔偿与诉讼时效相矛盾 4

(二)离婚损害赔偿制度无法为受害人提供充分救济 5

(三)婚内侵权民事救济与离婚损害赔偿 6

三、构建我国婚内侵权民事责任制度之思考 7

(一) 建立夫妻婚内侵权民事责任的必要性 7

1、婚内侵权民事责任是促进社会稳定的需要 7

2、实现婚内侵权民事责任是保护人权的需要 7

(二)建立夫妻婚内侵权民事责任的可行性 8

1、实现婚内侵权民事责任的思想基础 8

2、实现婚内侵权民事责任的物质基础 8

四、我国夫妻婚内侵权民事责任的完善对策 9

(一)构建夫妻婚内侵权民事责任的基础 9

1、明确配偶权 9

2、完善夫妻财产制度 10

(二)完善夫妻婚内侵权民事责任救济措施 11

1、增加夫妻侵权责任的一般规定 11

2、建立婚内别居制度 11

3、 引入债权凭证制度 12

结语 13

参考文献 14

致 谢 16

  1. 离婚损害制度概述



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