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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2022-01-16 20:23:20  


摘 要



第一章从概念入手,剖析个人数据的基本概念,详细探究了如何对个人数据进行界定;然后详细的描述了个人数据的分类,对各个类别进行了分析及认定 ;最后深入探讨了个人数据商业化利用的法律学说和性质。




关键词 :网络平台 个人数据 商业化利用 法律保护

On Commercial Utilization and Legal Protection of Personal Data on Network Platform


Because of the rapid development of the social network, enjoy the convenience and efficient information sharing the network in our life. But the network is a double-edged sword. We have to expose our personal data in the process of swimming in the network, so many of our personal privacy is used by illegal elements.Quietly extracting our products from various electronic terminal devices Personal data But we have to face the threat of personal data being collected illegally and privacy being leaked everywhere. This paper argues that the major problems brought about by the commercial use of personal data on various network platforms have become urgent problems to be solved. As a big country of information development, China's legal protection of the commercial use of data on the network platform becomes more urgent.

This paper is divided into four chapters to discuss:

The first chapter starts with the concept, analyses It explores how to define personal data in detail, and then describes the classification of personal data in detail., it deeply discusses the legal theory and nature of the commercial use of personal data.

The second chapter analyses the problems of personal data on network platform, summarizes the ways of the problem; then illustrates the problems through a case; finally exposes the existing problems of the commercial use of personal data on the network platform, and summarizes and analyzes these illegal means.

Chapter three compares the legislative status of developed countries such as EU, USA and Japan, analyses the judicial status of developed countries, and finally analyses the legislative status and judicial practice of our country.

Chapter IV puts forward the legal protection improvement suggestions for data on the network perform. Through improving legislation, self-discipline of industry organizations, strengthening law enforcement supervision by administrative organs, guaranteeing individual rights in civil litigation, punishing related crimes in criminal litigation and other aspects, the legislation of our country is improved, and some personal suggestions are put forward.

Key words: network platform;Personal data;Commercial Utilization;legal protection


一、个人数据的界定及其相关法律关系 1

(一)个人数据的概念 1

1.个人数据的概念界定 1

2.个人数据相关概念辨析 1

(二)个人数据的分类 1

(三)网络平台个人数据商业化利用之法律关系 2

1.个人数据法律属性之学说 2

2.个人数据的法律性质 3

3.网络平台个人数据商业化利用构成的法律关系 3

二、 网络平台个人数据商业化利用的问题所在 3

(一)网络平台个人数据商业化利用的主要方式 3

1.个人数据在网络平台上的收集与传输 3

2.利用个人数据进行市场营销 4

3.直接销售个人数据 4

4.个人数据的许可使用 4

5.个人数据的交换与共享 4

(二)网络平台个人数据商业化利用的现存问题归纳 5

三、网络平台个人数据的法律保护之比较研究 6

(一)欧盟 6

(二)美国等其他发达国家 6

(三)我国立法现状与司法实践 7

四、网络平台个人数据的法律保护之完善建议 8

(一)行业组织等社会团体依法发挥自律作用 8

(二)行政机关加强执法监管 8

(三)以民事诉讼保障个体权利 9

(四)以刑事诉讼惩治相关犯罪 9

参考文献 11

致谢 13



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