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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2022-01-14 20:36:36  


摘 要


关键词: 法院副卷 司法公开 司法独立

On the system of secondary court papers in China


In recent years, the court secondary volume system began to appear frequently in the public's view, causing a great debate on whether the secondary volume system is reasonable and necessary. Opponents think court vice volume system only for the inside of a court system related files regulation, the lack of legal basis, which violate the principle of judicial public infringed upon by the parties and their agents AD litem and defenders marking rights and the right to know, also with the present stage our country reform of the judicial "open to promote fair" target deviating, ought to reform the system, and even advocated abolish court deputy's voice is part of a volume system. However, this system can always maintain its stability in the process of judicial reform, which shows that it has played an indelible positive role. Supporters think the court vice volume exist a few decades, for our country's judicial activities have made indelible contribution, it in the judicial practice in China for the discussion of its voting records, reply and provide the "space", to improve the efficiency of our judicial judgment, to improve the social public to the court of justice of judicial confidence. This paper will analyze the practical problems and idealized system design of the court's secondary volume system from various aspects.

Key Words:The ourt vice volume; Judicial public; Judicial independence

目 录

中文摘要……………………………………………………………………………… Ⅰ

英文摘要……………………………………………………………………………… Ⅱ

一、 正副卷制度的发展历史 1

二、 探讨法院副卷保密制度的合理性 2

(一) 有利于提高办案效率 3

(二) 有利于增强司法公信力 3

(三) 有利于缓解司法审判人员繁重的工作压力 3

(四) 公开副卷中的不同意见,有可能会使我国司法工作人员面临某种程度上的个人风险 4

(五) 法院系统仍处于行政化管理和监督的窠臼 5

(六) 副卷公开后的溯及力问题 6

(七) 副卷公开有可能会影响司法审判人员的公正独立审判 7

三、 法院副卷制度的弊端 8

(一) 人民法院独立行使司法审判权易遭受法外力量的干预 8

(二) 副卷制度的出现是对司法公开、审判公开的改革潮流的巨大冲击 9

(三) 副卷制度的出现限制了诉讼参与人阅卷权的行使 10

(四) 副卷制度无视了证据裁判原则,导致了司法审判不公 10

四、 .西方国家对法院副卷制度的设计 11

五、 我国法院副卷制度的改革方向 12

(一) 逐渐限缩法院副卷材料的范围 12

1. 将机密性较小的诉讼材料转入法院正卷当中 12

2. .废除将部分违背现行法律、法规的诉讼材料纳入副卷的做法 13

(一) 完善必要的审判管理体制来保障副卷制度改革的推进 13

1. .优化合议庭评议制度 13

2. .严禁党政机关和领导干部干预司法 13

3. 健全司法人员保护机制 13

4. 推进严格司法,完善监督体系 14

六、 结语 14

七、 参考文献 15

八、 致谢 16





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