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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 计算机类 > 计算机科学与技术 > 正文


 2022-01-14 20:19:31  


摘 要


随着Alpha go的诞生,全世界范围内掀起了深度学习的热潮,将深度学习技术应用在手写数字识别技术上也是当今的热点技术之一。国内和国外众多学者都投入到了这项工作的研发当中。本文通过神经网络和深度学习的研究,实现了一个gui界面识别手写阿拉伯数字。主要内容如下:






Handwritten digit recognition based on TensorFlow


Handwritten digit recognition technology is a specific application of computers in the field of graphics and image recognition. This technology is used to process handwritten Arabic digital pictures 0-9, through neural network and deep learning technology, so that the computer can accurately identify 0-9 ten Arabic numerals.

With the birth of Alpha Go, the deep learning of the world has been launched, and the application of deep learning technology to handwritten digital recognition technology is also one of the hot technologies today. Many scholars at home and abroad have invested in the research and development of this work. Through the research of neural network and deep learning, this paper realizes a gui interface to recognize handwritten Arabic numerals. The main contents are as follows:

1. Introduce the application scenarios of today's handwritten digital technology in real life, the development of deep learning and the development of handwritten digital recognition technology.

2. By comparing the framework of deep learning, it is determined that the framework used in this paper is the open source Tensorflow framework developed by Google, and combined with convolutional neural network to realize handwritten digit recognition technology.

3. Through the Tensorboard function of the Tensorflow framework, the visualization of the training data is realized, and the confusion matrix is ​​added to view the training error picture and other functions.

4. The implemented technology is encapsulated into the gui interface, which can experience the handwritten digital recognition technology more realistically and meet the requirements of handwritten digital recognition technology.

Keywords: handwritten digit recognition, deep learning, convolutional neural network, Tensorflow目录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 关于手写数字识别的概论 1

1.1 本文研究意义和应用场景 1

1.2 计算机识别手写数字技术研究现状 1

1.3 卷积神经网络研究现状 2

1.4 本次实验设备介绍 3

1.5 论文结构 3

第二章 语言和框架 4

2.1 Python简介 4

2.2 Python常用库 4

2.3 Python安装 5

2.4 Tensorflow 6

2.5 Tensorflow安装 6

2.6 运行软件 6

第三章 深度学习的相关概念 7

3.1 感知器 7

3.2 神经网络 8

3.3 激活函数 8

3.4 损失函数 9

3.5 关于卷积神经网络的介绍 9

3.6 卷积神经网络工作过程 10

第四章 实验的搭建与结果 17

4.1 数据来源 17

4.2 本系统的网络结构 17

4.3 本系统的激活函数 19

4.4 输出层函数选取 19

4.5 误差函数 20

4.6 本系统神经网络代码 20

4.7 训练结果 24

4.8 封装到gui 27

4.9 识别错误的图片 27

4.10 混淆矩阵 27

4.11 卷积过程的可视化 29

4.12 程序运行结果 31

第五章 使用系统后的结论 36

参考文献 37

致谢 38




手写数字识别,对于人来说是非常简单的,因为我们可以准确地识别出一个数字的特征,并且根据这个特征,进而判断这是数字几。但对于计算机来说,这是十分困难的一件事情,在计算机中,一个数字图片就像这样,如图1.1 所示,一个一通道(黑白)的数字1,在计算机眼中就是一个二维的矩阵构成,当该位置上对应的数值越大,说明该位置笔画越重。计算机只能通过该位置的数值,来判断这是数字几。这只是一种情况的数字1,数字1还可以拉伸,旋转。这对于人来说,不论1怎么变化,总可以识别出来,但是对于计算机来说,随着图片的变化,矩阵的值也会变化,计算机就有可能识别错误。


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