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 2022-01-09 21:14:54  


摘 要







Data Feature Reduction Algorithm Test Based on Deep Auto-Encoder


The deep auto-encoder constitutes the ‘building block’ of deep learning, which carries out feature learning by reconstructing the original input, so as to achieve the goal of dimensionality reduction. With the advent of the information age, the requirements for information processing are getting higher and higher. The cost of information processing increases exponentially with the increase of dimensions. The dimensionality reduction of data is conducive to the processing of massive big data with high dimensions. In recent years, deep auto-encoders have been widely used in computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing and other fields. This paper focuses on the research of the dimensionality reduction ability of the deep encoder, and performs experiments based on the MNIST data set in order to discuss the performance of dimensionality reduction.

In this paper, the deep auto-encoder is used to test the data feature dimensionality reduction algorithm based on MNIST data set. The specific research contents are discussed as follows:

First, as an unsupervised learning method, the deep auto-encoder achieves the purpose of processing information and simulating the relationship between input and output by gradually adjusting the weight and deviation of the connection between nodes. In the fine-tuning phase of deep self-encoder training, the gradient descent method and error back propagation algorithm are used to update the weights and deviations iteratively. The experimental results show that, the weight value and deviation of the deep auto-encoder gradually approach convergence with the deepening of the iteration times, and the gradually reduced reconstruction error makes the performance of data dimensionality reduction better and better.

Second, the number of hidden layers determines the depth of the deep auto-encoder. The more layers are within the reasonable setting range, the more features of complex data can be learned. In this paper, the performance of the deep auto-encoder is studied by modifying the number of hidden layer nodes when the number of hidden layer remains unchanged. The experimental results show that the more nodes in the hidden layer are set, the smaller the reconstruction error is and the better the performance of data dimensionality reduction is.

Third, as the representative of linear dimensionality reduces, the principal component analysis is widely used in data dimensionality reduction. In this paper, the principal component analysis and the deep auto-encoder were used to conduct data dimensionality reduction for the MNIST handwritten character set. The experimental results showed that the deep auto-encoder was superior to the principal component analysis in dimensionality reduction.

Key words: handwritten word recognition, deep learning, deep auto-encoder, dimensionality reduction


摘要 I

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究的背景 1

1.2 深度自编码器的研究现状 2

1.3 课题研究内容 3

1.4 论文组织结构 4

第二章 深度自编码器概述 5

2.1 引言 5

2.2人工神经网络 5

2.2.1 MP神经元模型 5

2.2.2 感知器模型 5

2.2.3 误差反向传播 6

2.3 自编码器 9

2.4 深度自编码器 10

2.5 Softmax分类器 11

2.6 MNIST数据集简介 12

2.7 本章小结 13

第三章 基于深度自编码器的数据特征降维算法测试 14

3.1 前言 14

3.2 MNIST数据集 14

3.3 基于深度自编码器的数据特征降维算法 15

3.3.1 深度自编码器的训练 15

3.4 仿真实验及结果分析 17

3.4.1 MNIST数据特征降维 17

3.4.2 MNIST识别 21

3.5 本章小结 22

第四章 总结与展望 23

4.1 本文工作总结 23

4.2 未来工作展望 23

参考文献 24

致谢 27

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题研究的背景


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