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 2022-01-09 21:14:12  


摘 要




Test of Convolution Neural Network Algorithm for Handwriting Recognition


With the development of global information technology and the continued improvement of intelligence levels, the demand for handwritten recognition technology is increasingly urgent in today's society. Studying handwriting recognition methods with high recognition and high recognition rates is of practical value. Handwriting recognition solutions are on the rise as image classification studies by convolutional neural networks intensify. Convolution neural network is a processing method for reading and scattering image data into two-dimensional data and a feature that image features can be extracted without pretreatment during classification and recognition, which can effectively improve the accuracy, recognition speed and generalization ability of handwriting recognition.

The paper designed a convolutional neural network-based LeNet-5 model that delivers higher recognition and superior performance than traditional methods while realizing handwritten digital awareness. It introduces the LeNet-5 model and network training process based on the convolutional neural network, derives the algorithms for forward propagation, reverse propagation, and weight update related to the network model training process, and analyzes errors. Using the MNIST character library, we train and test intermediate LeNet-5 models to test different convolution altogether in the convolution layer, We analyzed the impact of parameters such as network learning speed, batch size, and digital recognition of the LeNet-5 model, and analyzed the handwriting digital recognition rate of the LeNet-5 model higher than single-layer recognition linear classifier (1-NN), k-recent contact algorithm (KNN), support vector machine (SVM), and multi-layer sensors 10.62%, 3.59%, 0.34%, and 1.89% higher, respectively. Simulation results show that the handwriting digital recognition model structure based on the convolutional neural network does not require more concise and cumbersome pre-processing than conventional methods, can be more easily optimized for network structure, handwritten recognition speed is faster, recognition rate is higher, network generalization is improved, network overfitting is effectively prevented, and digital handwriting recognition is the best.

Keywords: convolution neural network; handwritten digit recognition; image classification; LeNet-5

目 录

摘 要 II


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1手写数字识别研究现状 2

1.2.2卷积神经网络研究现状 3

1.3 课题研究的内容 3

1.4 论文组织结构 4

第二章 卷积神经网络概述 5

2.1 人工神经网络 5

2.1.1神经元模型 5

2.1.2多层感知器 6

2.2 卷积神经网络简述 7

2.3 卷积神经网络的特点 7

2.3.1局部感知 7

2.3.2权值共享 7

2.3.3下采样 7

2.4 卷积神经网络的结构 8

2.4.1卷积层 8

2.4.2池化层 9

2.4.3激活函数 10

2.4.4全连接层 11

2.5 本章小结 12

第三章 基于卷积神经网络手写数字识别算法 13

3.1 手写数字识别概述 13

3.2 MNIST手写数据库介绍 13

3.3 手写字识别算法模型设计 14

3.3.1输入、输出层设计 14

3.3.2中间层的构成 15

3.3.3卷积层的设计 15

3.3.4激活函数的选择 15

3.3.5池化层的设计 15

3.4 卷积神经网络训练过程 16

3.4.1网络初始化 16

3.4.2网络前向传播过程 16

3.4.3网络反向传播过程 16

3.4.4网络的权值更新过程 17

3.5 算法实现流程 18

3.6 实验仿真及结果分析 19

3.6.1数字样本的卷积可视化 19

3.6.2数字样本分批数量对手写字识别率的影响 20

3.6.3学习率对手写字识别率的影响 21

3.6.4卷积核尺寸大小对手写数字识别率影响 22

3.6.5池化方式对手写数字识别率影响 23

3.6.6选择最优参数的仿真结果分析 23

3.7 本章小结 24

第四章 总结与展望 26

4.1 本文工作总结 26

4.2 未来工作展望 26

参考文献 27

致谢 31

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义

随着科学技术的不断发展,人们对新鲜事物的接受能力显着提高,计算机这种科学技术产品已经逐渐成为人们生活的必需品。我们已经进入了信息全球化的时代。由于时代不断进步,我们需要对大量复杂的信息进行高效处理。人机数据交互已经成为了当今数据信息化时代不可或缺的组成部分。人与人之间可以通过眼神、动作、语言、文字等来交流信息,而计算机和人之间的交互最早是通过手动输入二进制代码来实现的,后来逐渐开始利用图形界面来实现人机交互[1]。早在上世纪50年代,我们就已经开始研究利用字符识别来实现人机交互,但始终无法达到人们的要求。我们的最终目标就是使得人与计算机之间的交互可以像人和人之间交流那样方便快捷。为了顺应时代发展的潮流,并使人们的日常生活更加方便快捷,大量科研工作者为了推动光学字符识别(Optical Character Recognition, OCR)技术的产生与发展投入了大量精力[2]。


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