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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2022-01-09 20:48:28  


摘 要



关键词:大型高炉热风炉 烟气余热回收 热管换热器 分离式

Design of Separate Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger for

Hot Blast Stove of Large Blast Furnace (Gas)


Industrial boiler is the main power equipment in our country at present. Those years, the economy of our country develops rapidly, a lot of energy is used, and the air pollution problem becomes more and more serious. The emission of boiler flue gas is the main reason of high energy consumption and air pollution. The root reason of this phenomenon is that the temperature of the flue gas discharged from the boiler is too high. However, if the temperature is directly reduced, the heat transfer area of the heating surface at the tail of the boiler will be increased, the metal materials required will be more, and the cost of the equipment in the early stage will be increased. In addition, too low flue gas discharge temperature will make sulfuric acid steam condense, which will cause corrosion and ash blocking of low-temperature heating surface. Neverthlesss, if we do not control the temperature of the flue gas emissions, the excessive temperature of the flue gas will take a lot of heat, and these unused energy will be wasted. Therefore, it is particularly important to use the residual heat of flue gas, because it can significantly reduce the consumption of high calorific value coke oven gas.

At first, this paper introduces the current situation of energy development in our country, studies the application of flue gas waste heat recovery technology, and introduces the characteristics of heat pipe. Then, the structural design, heat transfer calculation, flow resistance calculation and economic calculation of the heat exchanger are carried out under the given design conditions. Finally, it analyzes the problems in the actual operation of this technology and puts forward solutions.

Key Words: Large blast furnace hot blast stove; Waste heat recovery of flue gas; The heat pipe heat exchanger; Separate type

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 引 言 1

1.1 能源发展现状 1

1.2 烟气余热回收利用技术 2

1.2.1 烟气余热回收装置 2

1.2.2 烟气余热回收的利用 2

1.3 本文主要研究内容 3

第二章 分离式热管换热器 4

2.1 热管简介 4

2.1.1 热管的发展 4

2.1.2 热管的分类 4

2.1.3 热管的特点 5

2.2 分离式热管及分离式热管换热器 5

2.2.1 分离式热管工作原理 5

2.2.2 分离式热管换热器的特点 5

2.2.3 分离式换热器的应用 6

第三章 烟气—高炉煤气分离式热管换热器的设计 8

3.1 设计条件 8

3.2 设计计算 9

3.2.1 计算传热量 9

3.2.2 煤气侧出口温度及对数平均温差 10

3.2.3 确定迎风面积及迎风面的管数 11

3.2.4 总传热系数 11

3.2.5 热管布置 14

3.2.6 通过换热器的压降 14

3.3 经济核算 15

3.3.1 设备总投资 15

3.3.2 设备电耗(操作费用) 15

3.3.3 年节约费用 16

第四章 建议与结论 17

4.1 换热器的运行问题与解决方案 17

4.2 结论 17

参考文献 18

致 谢 20

第一章 引 言

1.1 能源发展现状


  1. 拥有巨大的能源资源储量且位于世界领先水平,但由于人口众多,所以人均能源资源的占有量较低,在世界上处于一个较低水平[1]



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