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 2022-01-09 20:27:40  


摘 要



关键词:蜂窝网络 网络流量预测 生成对抗网络

Traffic Prediction Algorithm Based on Generative Adversarial Networks


In recent years, with the uninterrupted development of mobile communication technology, the replacement of mobile services and mobile devices, a large amount of multi-sourced and heterogeneous mobile traffic data has been generated. The traditional traffic prediction algorithms can't meet higher and higher requirements of operators and users. With the continuous development of deep learning, The application of deep learning has been favored by researchers in various fields. It also points out a new development direction for the research of traffic prediction. The prediction model based on deep learning saves a lot of work of analyzing traffic data by traditional methods, and can obtain prediction values that are more in line with the mathematical distribution of actual data, so that operators can reasonably allocate network resources and make users have a smoother network environment.

This paper puts forward a traffic prediction algorithm based on generative adversarial networks, using deeper networks to extract more traffic data features. The main work is as follows: First, the initial data set is processed, and the data set is space-time aggregated and mapped into a two-dimensional matrix. Second, for the high spatial correlation in the cellular network, the principle and training method of generative adversarial networks are described, the specific model structure is given, and the three-dimensional convolution operation and composite residual structure of the generative adversarial networks are designed. Finally, compared with the traditional ARIMA algorithm, the simulation experiments show that the NRMSE of the proposed algorithm is reduced by 63.6%.

Key words: cellular network; network traffic forecast; generative adversarial networks


摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 论文主要工作 4

1.4 论文组织结构 4

第二章 蜂窝移动网络流量预测技术综述 6

2.1 蜂窝移动网络流量数据分析 6

2.2 蜂窝网络流量预测方法 8

2.3 生成对抗网络 10

2.4 本章小结 10

第三章 基于生成对抗网络的流量预测算法 11

3.1 GAN的基本原理和模型 11

3.2 GAN的学习训练方法 11

3.3 流量预测模型 13

3.3.1 生成网络设计 13

3.3.2 判别网络设计 16

3.3.3 损失函数的设计 16

3.4 数据集预处理 17

3.5 实验参数设置 18

3.6 仿真实验及流量预测性能分析 19

3.6.1 卷积核尺度选择 19

3.6.2 流量预测算法比较 21

3.7 本章小结 22

第四章 总结 23

参考文献 24

致谢 27

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

自无线网络诞生起,个人移动通信技术直接进入高速发展阶段。随着技术的不断进步,自2007年智能手机的浪潮席卷全球到3G/4G移动通信技术的持续攀高,人们平时使用移动设备的日常行为都会产生大量的流量数据。日新月异的移动技术、移动设备以及移动服务,这些都会使移动流量激增。随着5G通信技术的诞生和推广,移动业务数量势必会进一步增加,流量数据会更多。图1-1显示了2015年到2020年全球流量数据的增长及预测,易见2020年全球范围的移动数据流量每月达到30.6EB,是2015年每月3.7EB的近十倍。思科发布的最新VNI预测显示2022年移动数据流量将会接近新的里程碑—泽字节(Zetta Byte)。因此,进一步了解移动数据流量,精准预测移动流量数据,对大规模的城市移动网络架构尤为重要。

图1-1 2015-2020年全球流量数据增长及预测


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