2022-01-09 19:05:05
摘 要
现代移动通信系统广泛采用非恒定包络的调制方式,对其中的射频功放(Power Amplifier, PA)而言,若沿用恒压供电方式,随着输入信号的变化,较大的压差会导致整个系统的效率很低。因此采用包络线跟踪(Envelope Tracking,ET)电源,使其供电电压跟踪输入信号包络线的供电方式,将大幅降低PA损耗,提高系统效率。本文主要研究并联结构ET电源的电流控制方法。
关键词:ET电源 包络线跟踪 开关变换器 线性放大器 全前馈
Design of switch linear parallel composite structure envelope tracking power supply
Modern mobile communication systems widely use non-constant envelope modulation. For the RF power amplifier, if the constant voltage power supply method is used, as the input signal changes, a large voltage difference will cause the efficiency of the entire system to be very low. Therefore, the use of envelope tracking power supply, so that its power supply voltage tracking input signal envelope power supply mode, will greatly reduce PA loss and improve system efficiency. This paper mainly studies the current control method of parallel structure ET power supply.
Switched linear composite structure ET power supply adopts the combined structure of linear amplifier and switching converter. In this paper, by analyzing the six cases of the linear combination of switches, this paper concludes that the linear and parallel switch structure is an ideal system architecture. In considering the design process of the switching converter, in view of the possible problems, it is necessary to solve how the switching frequency of the device meets the requirements of the system, and increase the tracking bandwidth as much as possible. Finally, it is pointed out that the output current of the multi-amplitude current source is fitted in the switch Linear parallel structure is a reasonable choice. Through the analysis of the linear amplifier, it is concluded that the AB class complementary symmetric circuit is more suitable for the switch linear parallel parallel structure.
The linear amplifier part adopts the AB linear amplifier, and the switching power supply uses the current-type output Buck converter. Because the vo of the linear amplifier will affect its output current ilin so that it contains a certain sine fundamental component, affecting the system efficiency. Therefore, based on the hysteresis control method and the PWM control method, a full feedforward method for the output voltage is proposed. Compared with the former two, it can eliminate the influence of vo on ilin , reduce the sinusoidal fundamental current component in ilin, and improve the system efficiency. This paper uses Saber simulation software to simulate the hysteresis control method, PWM control method and output voltage full feedforward method. Through simulation verification, the effectiveness of the output voltage full feedforward method is proved.
Keywords: ET power supply; envelope tracking; switching converter; linear amplifier; full feed-forward
目 录
摘 要 II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2 ET电源的国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1单开关变换器结构 3
1.2.2开关变换器组合结构 3
1.2.3开关变换器与线性放大器组合结构 3
1.3本课题研究的内容 5
第二章 开关线性复合结构ET电源 6
2.1 ET电源的系统架构 6
2.1.1 组合方式 6
2.1.2控制原理 7
2.2开关变换器的设计 8
2.2.1开关变换器设计面临的问题 8
2.2.2改进方法 8
2.3线性放大器的设计 10
2.3.1线性放大器的分类及基本电路原理 10
2.3.2 线性放大器的两种拓扑结构 15
2.4 本章小结 15
第三章 开关线性并联复合结构ET电源 16
3.1开关线性并联复合结构ET电源的电路结构 16
3.2开关线性并联复合结构ET电源的控制方法 17
3.2.1滞环控制方法 17
3.2.2 PWM控制方法 18
3.3输出电压全前馈方法 19
3.3.1输出电压全前馈方法基本原理 19
3.3.2输出电压全前馈方法的适用范围 21
3.4本章小结 22
第四章 开关线性并联复合结构控制方法的仿真验证 23
4.1滞环控制电路的设计 23
4.1.1主要模块的原理电路分析 23
4.1.2仿真模型的搭建 25
4.1.3仿真结果及分析 26
4.2 PWM控制电路的设计 27
4.2.1各模块的原理电路分析 27
4.2.2仿真模型的搭建 28
4.2.3仿真结果及分析 29
4.3输出电压全前馈控制电路的设计 32
4.3.3仿真模型的搭建 34
4.2.3仿真结果及分析 34
4.4本章小结 38
第五章 总结与展望 39
5.1总结 39
5.2展望 39
参考文献 41
致 谢 45
第一章 绪论
自20世纪70年代以来,移动通信发展迅速,成为带动世界经济发展的高新产业之一。移动通信技术发展至今可分五代。其中,第二代(Second Generation, 2G)移动通信最为成功。从第二代开始,采用频移键控[1, 2]和高斯最小频移键控[3, 4]这些数字调制方式,对射频(Radio Frequency, RF)输入信号进行频率、相位调制,这种方式的抗噪声性能较好。但并没有对RF输入信号的幅值进行调制,因此在很宽的频带内,信号能量都有分布,所以图1.1给出的这种恒压调制方式在数据率不高以及对频带较宽的场合较为合适。从第三代(Third Generation, 3G)起,移动通信开始了对RF 输入信号的幅值进行调制,此时RF输入信号的包络线幅值不再恒定。这样可以得到更高的数据传输率,并且有效的利用频带资源,此时非线性功率放大器(Power Amplifier, PA)的供电电压的变化方式将与RF输入信号包络线的变化方式相同,这就是包络线跟随的供电方式[5] ,如图1.2所示,那么非线性功率放大器一直处在效率很高的状态,这样便可大大提高整个ET电源的效率。
图1.1 恒压供电方式示意图
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