2022-01-09 19:04:49
摘 要
目前,移动通信正在飞速发展,第五代(5th Generation, 5G)移动通信已经到来,而在通信系统中,系统的功耗以及效率是十分重要的指标,其中功率放大器(Power Amplifer, PA)在基站中处于核心地位。通常,PA采用的是非恒定包络的调制方法来提高数据的传输效率,若是采用恒定的电压给PA供电会使PA承受很高的电压差,从而导致系统的效率处于较低的状态。针对这个问题,包络线跟踪(Envelope Tracking, ET)技术应运而生,本文研究课题即为电路结构紧凑的开关电容式包络线跟踪电源。
关键词:移动通信 功率放放大器 包络线跟踪 开关电容
Design of envelope tracking power supply with switched capacitor
At present, mobile communication is developing rapidly, and the fifth generation (5G) mobile communication has arrived. In the communication system, the power consumption and efficiency of the system are very important indicators, among which the power amplifier (PA) is in the core position in the base station. In general, PA adopts the modulation method of non constant envelope to improve the transmission efficiency of data. If constant voltage is used to supply power to PA, PA will bear a high voltage difference, resulting in a low efficiency of the system. To solve this problem, envelope tracking (ET) technology emerges as the times require. In this paper, the research topic is the switched capacitor envelope tracking power supply with compact circuit structure.
In this paper, a switched capacitor envelope tracking power supply with compact circuit structure is studied and designed. Starting from the switch level and linear level circuit structure of the traditional et power supply, the switched capacitor is embedded in the switch level of the system. The switch converter adopts open-loop control, the output step wave voltage is the input voltage of the linear stage, and the switching frequency is reduced to half of the output voltage frequency by the method of logic control switch tube; the linear stage adopts closed-loop control to precisely control the output voltage.
In this paper, saber software is used to simulate and analyze the designed switch capacitor envelope tracking power supply circuit. The simulation results verify the rationality and feasibility of this design.
Key Words: Mobile communication; Power amplifier; Envelope tracking; Switched capacitor
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究现状 2
1.2.1 包络跟踪技术 2
1.2.2 单开关变换器结构ET电源 3
1.2.3 开关线性复合(SLH)ET电源 3
1.2.4 开关电容式包络线跟踪电源 4
1.3 本文研究内容及意义 5
1.3.1 本文的研究内容 5
1.3.2 本文的研究意义 5
第二章 ET电源的系统架构 7
2.1 ET技术的工作原理 7
2.2 ET系统的基本结构 7
2.3 不同变换器结构的ET电源设计方案分析 8
2.3.1 采用单开关PWM变换器结构的ET电源 9
2.3.2 采用多电平变换器结构的ET电源 10
2.3.3 采用多相变换器结构的ET电源 11
2.3.4 采用混合类变换器结构的ET电源 14
2.3.5 各类ET电源实现方案总结 17
2.4 本章小结 18
第三章 开关电容式包络线跟踪电源的设计 19
3.1 开关电容电路结构设计分析 19
3.1.1 开关电容基本单元 19
3.1.2 开关电容单元自身级联 20
3.1.3 采用附加二极管的开关电容电路 21
3.2 开关电容电路工作原理分析 22
3.2.1 开关模态分析 22
3.2.2 开关电容电路输出电压外部特性分析 24
3.3 开关电容电路选择 25
3.3.1 开关电容电路拓扑 25
3.3.2 逻辑控制信号及输出阶梯波波形 26
3.4 线性级电路设计 26
3.5 开关电容式包络线跟踪电源拓扑图 27
3.6 本章小结 27
第四章 仿真验证 29
4.1 利用saber搭建仿真模型 29
4.1.1 搭建仿真电路图 29
4.1.2 仿真电路模型参数设置 30
4.2 仿真结果 30
4.3 本章小结 32
第五章 总结与展望 33
5.1 总结 33
5.2 展望 34
参考文献 35
致谢 38
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景
目前,移动通信正在飞速发展,表1给出了从第二代(2nd Generation, 2G)到第四代(4th Generation, 4G)移动通信的发展状况[1]。
表1 现代移动通信技术的发展
现代通信系统 | 调制方式 | PAPR/dB | |
2G | GSM | GMSK | 0 |
2.5G | EDGE | 8-PSK | 3.2 |
3G | WCDMA | QPSK | 3.5~9 |
3.5G | HSPA/HSPA | 16QAM/64QAM | 6.5~10 |
4G | TLE/LTEA | OFDM | 8.5~13 |
在通信系统中,一个非常重要的指标就是系统的功耗和系统的效率,而射频(Radio Frequency, RF)功率放大器(以下简称功放)是基站的核心,所以RF功放的效率会对基站的效率造成直接的影响。
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