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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 制药工程 > 正文


 2022-01-01 22:27:56  


摘 要



实验表明,铜绿假单胞菌KT1115发酵产鼠李糖脂的最适菜籽油添加量为60g/L,酵母粉和硝酸钠分别为3g/L、5g/L,发酵培养基最适初始pH为7.5。铜绿假单胞菌KT1115在优化后的发酵培养基培养192h,最终鼠李糖脂产量为36.85±0.95 g/L,相较于初始发酵培养基,鼠李糖脂产量提高了80%。

关键词: 生物表面活性剂 鼠李糖脂 发酵 铜绿假单胞菌KT1115

Optimization of Rhamnolipid Production Conditions by Pseudomonas aeruginosa KT1115


Rhamnolipid is a biosurfactant that has been studied more deeply. In addition to its high surface activity, it has the characteristics of low toxicity, diverse structure, and biodegradability. It is widely employed in various industries, such as medicine, agriculture, environmental restoration and petroleum exploitation, for its great antibacterial, superior solubilization and emulsifying properties.

In this paper, Pseudomonas aeruginosa KT1115 was used as the starting strain to study the optimal conditions for the production of rhamnolipids by fermentation. First, the optimal amount of carbon source in the culture medium was explored by shake flask experiment; then, the optimal amount of the two nitrogen sources was explored separately; finally, under the above optimal conditions, the optimal initial pH of rhamnolipid fermentation was explored. At last, the optimal amount of carbon and nitrogen sources added and the optimal pH were determined.

The experiment showed that the optimal amount of rapeseed oil added by Pseudomonas aeruginosa KT1115 for producing rhamnolipid was 60g / L, yeast powder and sodium nitrate were 3g / L and 5g / L respectively, and the optimal initial pH of the fermentation medium is 7.5. Pseudomonas aeruginosa KT1115 was cultured in the optimized fermentation medium for 192h, and the final rhamnolipid yield was 36.85 ± 0.95 g / L. Compared with the initial fermentation medium, rhamnolipid yield increased by 80%.

Key words: Biosurfactant; Rhamnolipid; Fermentation; P.aeruginosa KT1115

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 引言 1

第二章 文献综述 2

2.1 表面活性剂 2

2.2 生物表面活性剂 2

2.2.1 生物表面活性剂概述 2

2.2.2 生物表面活性剂的种类及产生菌 2

2.2.3 生物表面活性剂的应用 3

2.3 鼠李糖脂 4

2.3.1 鼠李糖脂的化学结构 4

2.3.2 鼠李糖脂的理化性质 5

2.3.3 鼠李糖脂的主要产生菌 6

2.3.4 鼠李糖脂的生物合成途径 6

2.3.5 鼠李糖脂的主要生产方法 7

2.3.6 鼠李糖脂的应用 7

2.4 鼠李糖脂的研究现状 8

2.4.1 高产菌株的选育 9

2.4.2 培养基成分优化 10

2.4.3 培养条件优化 10

2.3 课题来源及研究内容 11

2.3.1 课题来源 11

2.3.2 研究的内容 11

第三章 实验器材与方法 12

3.1 菌种 12

3.2 实验试剂 12

3.3 实验器材 13

3.4 培养基 13

3.5 实验方法 14

3.5.1 种子液培养 14

3.5.2 发酵培养 14

3.5.3 样品处理 14

3.5.4 发酵液中鼠李糖脂的测定 15

3.5.5 绘制鼠李糖标准曲线 15

3.5.6 单因素实验 15

3.5.6 摇瓶发酵验证 16

第四章 实验结果与讨论 17

4.1 鼠李糖标准曲线 17

4.2 单因素实验结果 18

4.2.1 菜籽油含量对鼠李糖脂产量的影响 18

4.2.2 氮源含量对鼠李糖脂产量的影响 19

4.2.3 初始pH对鼠李糖脂产量的影响 20

4.3 摇瓶发酵结果验证 21

4.4 讨论 21

第五章 结语与展望 22

5.1 结语 22

5.2 展望 22

参考文献 23

致谢 26

第一章 引言




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