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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 无机非金属材料工程 > 正文


 2021-12-30 21:06:28  


摘 要

中国是世界上生产水泥的第一大国,占比超过全球总产量的50 %。水泥生产过程中需消耗大量能源,并且每生产1 t水泥熟料将产生0.9 t CO2 。因此,使用水泥混合材替代部分水泥熟料生产低熟料水泥是绿色发展水泥行业的主要途径之一。其中,炉渣和钢渣活性较低,钢渣坚硬难磨。水泥混合材至今还没有专门的助磨剂可以使用,相同的助磨剂对于不同种的材料或者不同种类的助磨剂对于同种材料的差别很大。如何降低混合材磨细的能耗并提高这些混合材的活性是一个重要问题。

本文是以助磨剂为主要对象,研究其对水泥混合材粉磨特性和活性的影响。实验设计四组添加不同助磨剂的混合材进行粉磨实验,与一组空白组进行比较,粉磨60 min后对粉体分别进行筛余、粒度分布、比表面积、物相组成、微观形貌五个方面的表征试验观察宏观与微观之间的联系。文章通过与前人研究相结合的方法,合理预测本课题实验现象,本文认为:使用复合助磨剂的助磨效果普遍优于单体助磨剂,并且笔者认为由三乙醇胺和糖蜜复合配置的助磨剂可以取得预期的效果,这为后续关于混合材助磨剂的研究提供了一个好的选择。

关键词:助磨剂 炉渣 钢渣 粉磨特性

Effect of grinding aids on grinding properties and activities of cement mixed materials


China is the world's largest producer of cement, accounting for more than 50% of global output. The cement production process consumes a lot of energy and produces 0.9 t CO2 for every 1 t of cement clinker produced. Therefore, it is one of the main ways of green development of cement industry to produce low clinker cement by using cement mixture material instead of cement clinker. Among them, the activity of slag and steel slag is low with steel slag grinding hard. Up to now there is no special grinding agent can use for the cement mixed material, and the effect of the same grinding agent for different kinds of materials or different kinds of grinding agents for the same material differs significantly. Much attention should be focused on how to reduce the energy consumption and improve the activity of the mixed materials.

In this paper, the effect of grinding aids on properties and activities of cement mixed materials was studied. Four groups of mixed materials with different grinding agents added for grinding experiment were designed and compared with a blank group. After grinding for 60 min, the powder was characterized in five aspects: sieve residue, particle size distribution, specific surface area, phase composition and microscopic morphology, respectively, to observe the relationship between macro and micro. Combined with previous studies, this experiment phenomenon was reasonably predicted. We can a conclusion that: the grinding effect of composite grinding aid is generally better than that of monomer grinding agent, and the grinding aid combined with Triethanolamine and molasses is promising, which provides a good choice for the following research on the grinding aid of mixed materials.

Key words: grinding aid; slag steel; slag; grinding characteristics.

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 炉渣 1

1.2.1 炉渣的物理和化学特性 2

1.2.2 炉渣应用存在的问题 4

1.3 钢渣 5

1.3.1 钢渣的物理和化学特性 6

1.3.2 钢渣应用存在的问题 6

1.4 助磨剂 7

1.4.1 水泥助磨剂的发展历程 8

1.4.2 各类助磨剂的发展现状 8

1.5 本课题研究内容及研究意义 10

第二章 实验原材料与制法 11

2.1 实验原材料 11

2.1.1 炉渣 11

2.1.2 钢渣 11

2.1.3 助磨剂 11

2.2 实验设备 12

2.3 实验方法 12

2.3.1 配置复合助磨剂 12

2.3.2 研磨实验 12

2.4 材料的表征方法 13

2.4.1 混合材粉体80 μm筛余测试 13

2.4.2 粒径分布 13

2.4.3 比表面积 13

2.4.4 红外光谱 13

2.4.5 扫描电镜 14

第三章 实验结果与分析 15

3.1 助磨剂对混合材助磨效果的影响 15

3.2 助磨剂对混合材粒径分布的影响 16

3.3 助磨剂对混合材物相组成的影响 18

3.4 助磨剂对混合材微观形貌的影响 20

第四章 结论与展望 22

4.1 结论 22

4.2 展望 22

参考文献 23

致 谢 26

第一章 绪论


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