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 2021-12-26 14:04:14  


摘 要




Discussion on the application of Fenton method to remove COD in electroplating wastewater


This topic mainly describes the use of Fenton reagent method to test and discuss the COD treatment and degradation of electroplating wastewater, and Yanshen prospects its development and practicality in practical production. It embodies the advantages of Fenton method in degrading electroplating wastewater pollutants under the conditions of different factors, and gives reasonable suggestions to be applied in the actual production process.

In this experiment, the Fenton method was mainly used to treat electroplating wastewater. COD is a comprehensive indicator of the content of oxidants consumed by reducing substances in wastewater, and shows the degree of pollution of reducing organic substances to electroplating wastewater. Through the use of control variables, to analyze and study the trend of Fenton reagent degradation of electroplating wastewater. Including changing the ratio of the amount of ferrous sulfate to hydrogen peroxide, the reaction time and pH value and other major influencing factors on the effect of COD treatment, so as to clarify the Fenton reagent treatment of electroplating wastewater COD can be used in the best conditions At the same time, it also theoretically described the mechanism of Fenton reagent, which can point out a more optimized and reasonable direction for the degradation of electroplating wastewater.

Key Words: Fenton COD electroplating wastewater


应用Fenton法去除电镀废水中的COD试验探讨 I

摘要 I

Abstract 2

第一章 绪论 5

1.1 前言 5

1.1.1 问题的提出 5

1.1.2 电镀废水中COD的来源 5

1.1.3 电镀废水中COD来源及排污特征 5

1.1.4 COD排放标准及检测方式 6

1.2 高级氧化法技术 6

1.2.1 Fenton试剂法 7

1.2.2 Fenton试剂反应影响因素 8

1.3 实验目的 9

第二章 实验内容 10

2.1实验方案 10

2.1.1 实验材料 10

2.2实验仪器及原料 10

2.2.1 配置COD分析仪专用氧化剂和COD标准溶液 10

2.2.2 实验所用仪器 10

2.2.3 实验药品 11

2.3实验步骤 11

2.4检测方法 11

2.4.1 水质 11

2.4.2 酸碱度 11

2.4.3 化学需氧量的检测 13

2.5实验内容 14

2.5.1反应时间、反应pH对COD 去除率的影响 14

2.5.2反应所需试剂的不同投加量和投加量物质的量比对化学需氧量去除率的影响 15

第三章 结果与讨论 16

3.1水样检测分析 16

3.2 COD去除率的影响因素结果 16

3.2.1pH对COD去除率的影响 16

3.2.2 投加量对COD去除率的影响 17

3.2.3 投加量对COD去除率的影响 18

3.2.4反应试剂投加量配比对COD去除率的影响 19

3.2.5实验反应的时间对COD去除率的影响 20

第四章 结论 22

参考文献 23

致谢 25

第一章 绪论

1.1 前言

1.1.1 问题的提出


1.1.2 电镀废水中COD的来源


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